DGM (3)

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Will and Bill were running after the guardians, being able of calling the attention of Pacifica, but Gideon didn't notice and kept walking.

"Can I help you?" Pacifica asked.

"Yes, am. . ." Will started.

"Can we talk, like, serious conversation?" Bill asked.

"Sure, tell me what you need." Pacifica said.

Bill looked at Will, who was too scared to say something, so his brother pulled him closer and gave him a smile, like a promise it would be fine, Will smiled back.

"Look Pacifica, we came to this city for a reason, and now, knowing that guardians are real, I'm sure you can help us." Bill said.

"Tell me what you need and I'll be glad to help!" Pacifica affirmed.

Bill told her the story of the two, Will tried to ignore the conversation by talking to Mason, but he didn't respond. Will was getting a bit anxious, he then felt something cover his ears, he took deep breaths and tried not to think of the past.

Once he could hear again, his brother was saying "We would be really grateful if you helped us."

Pacifica thought for a moment, the situation she was in indeed sounded serious.

Analysing the situation, Pacifica had to answer them with "I can try helping you both with advices, but, I can't give you magic if that's what you want."

"What? Why?" Bill asked.

"Magic is complicated and dangerous, maybe you could lose control of it or get carried away. . . no offense." Pacifica answered.

"Sounds fair. . ." Will mumbled.

"As my first advice, you need to clean your hearts." she said.

"Clean our hearts? What's that supposed to mean?" Bill asked.

"You need to get rid of that hatred of the past." she affirmed.

"How?" Will asked.

"By forgiving and forgetting." Pacifica started.

". . .What?" Will asked.

"You need to understand that the past is in the past, those people harmed you, that's right, but now they're gone, you need to move on, forgive what they've done, forget the past and keep in the future. That pain doesn't matter." Pacifica kept on.

"So what you're saying is. . . we need to ignore the pain we've been through and are still scarred for and that it doesn't matter?" Bill asked, a bit enraged.

"Don't take it that way, take it as the begining of a healing and—"

"Enough. . ." Will mumbled, painful anger in his voice, making the two look at him. He had his fists cleansed, his head lowered, they couldn't see his face.

"Child, are you okay?" Pacifica asked.

Will grabbed Bill's wrist and walked away with him, Bill didn't complain, he wanted to do the same. Still, he didn't expect Will to react, not like that at least.

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