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He knows what I'm thinking? How?

Wait. . . who even said that?

"Are you okay?" Fiddleford asked me.

"Yeah. . ." I answered, coming back to reality.

The next two buildings were the same height, but one was blue and purple, the other was cyan, black and white. We went to the blue and purple one first, inside were what looked like shrines, in the blue side was a drawing of a brain and many paintings, the other had paintings as well and a drawing of a heart.

"Those two are the most powerful guardians of our city." Fiddleford said.

"This religion is interesting. . ." I thought to myself.

"They are the guardians of balance, Pacifica Southeast, the Emotion, and Gideon Pines, the Mind." he explained.

I looked at the two statues of them, Pacifica was a lot taller than Gideon, ha, that's kind of funny.

"You should never insult or mess with them, they're always watching, they're the judges of humanity, they have your fate in their hands." Fiddleford explained.

"So they are good and just." I said.

"Indeed." Fiddleford said.

Good? Depends on what or who you're talking about.

This voice again? What does it want from me? Are you. . . no, guardians are not real, they are just inventions from these people.

You'll take that back soon.

Is that a threat?

Depends on how you understand it.

"For the final temple. . ." Fiddleford started, "Keep your mouth closed, put your mind at ease, these guardians could be a terrible threat to those who dare to insult them." he finished.

The last two guardians, so it's another duo, I wonder why they're so scary. I'll do as he told me and stay quiet, but. . . how do I put my mind at ease?

Feel no fear.

No fear? Wait. . . why are you helping me?

Soon you'll understand, child.

What are you?

We were almost inside of the last temple, but Fiddleford stopped, looked at my hand and asked "Where did you find that mirror?"

I looked at my hand, then back at him. "On the woods. . ." I answered.

Don't answer him anymore.


"Give me that." Fiddleford demanded.

"Why should I?" I asked.

"Please, give me that." he said, trying to be polite.

". . .No." I answered

"I said, give me that!" he shouted.

"Give me a good reason why I should." I demanded.

"I'm not asking, don't make me take it from you!" he shouted.




Fiddleford started approaching me, I ran as fast as I could, I looked back and noticed he was running after me.

"Get back here!" he shouted.

I gulped and kept running, all of this because I was looking for my brother, what a lucky day for me. Why is this mirror so important? Why that voice told me to run? What on earth is going on? I need to be quick, find my brother now before this mad old man gets me.

"William Cipher!" he shouted.

"How does he know my full name?!" I asked myself in my thoughts.

I saw no choice but to run back to the woods and find a plan to make him lose me, I hid behind a tree and heard him walking, looking for me, stomping in rage.

"This city isn't like anything you know, child." he affirmed. "This mirror is not meant to be in your hands!" he exclaimed.

I just looked at the mirror, wishing to find a way to run away, all I could do was wait.

"You think our guardians are just myths, don't you?" he asked, "Let me tell you a secret.." he said, his voice getting closer from the tree I hid.

I ran as he was right at my side. "The guardians are real!" he shouted, almost grabbing my arm.

With a kick in his belly, I kept running and did my best to not be caught by him, I wished I could just appear in front of my brother!

Do you want to find your brother?

Yes! I don't know who you are, but I see no choice but to trust you, help me please!

Here he is.

Suddenly I knew where my brother was, a shack, talking to a lady in a green dress, paying her.

"He bought us a house, at least one good news." I thought to myself.

"Got you!" Fiddleford exclaimed, grabbing me.

I struggled to free myself, looks like I'll have to fight. I kicked between his legs and he let me go, I ran again, because that's all I do, I'm a coward, I can't even defend myself.

That can easily change.

You did enough, thank you! Please don't talk to me now!

Whoever that was kept shut, just like I asked them to. Now, to find my brother, I needed to be as quick as possible, Fiddleford could stand up and come after me again.

Finally out of the woods, back to the city, the thing is I have no idea where that shack is. I searched for it for a while, hid the mirror in the biggest pocket of my sweater.

"It was nice making business with you, Ms. Melody." Bill told the lady, so that's her name.

"Nice to make business with you too, young man." she told him.

"Bill!" I called him.

"Will!" he exclaimed, with his usual smile and an excited tone of voice.

For an old man, Fiddleford was fast, he was back after me and caught me again.

"This time you won't escape you little brat!" he exclaimed.

"Hey!" Bill shouted at him, running towards us. Fiddleford let me go and backed away a bit, "Get away from my brother, you old cloak psycho wannabe!" Bill exclaimed.

There was a crowd looking, Fiddleford looked like he wanted to fight, but he let it slide. "Little thief." Fiddleford said, looking at me, leaving afterwards.

"Thief?" Bill asked me.

"I'm not a thief. . ." I mumbled.

"Don't worry about priest Fiddleford, he's accuses everyone he dislikes of stealing something." Melody explained.

"Oh. . ." I mumbled.

"So, you must be Will." Melody said, reaching out to me, "The name's Melody." she introduced herself.

"Will Cipher." I introduced myself and we shook hands.

"Welcome to Zero Reverse, hope you like our town." she said, leaving and waving at us, Bill waved back at her.

Indeed, I hope you like the town.

Zero Reverse (Reverse! Zero Gravity)Where stories live. Discover now