Telepathy Twins

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Just a description on the Tent of Telepathy, the Cipher twins outfits (onstage), the Gleefuls (onstage), and maybe some more (in other chapters, because this is getting big). I'll write this in second person POV because yes.

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Tent of Telepathy

You stand in a line long enough to cross the road, maybe you could make some chicken and road jokes. The event you're about to watch seems to be the biggest of town, many people are excited for this, but you're not sure if this is the first ever or if people just love it too much to keep coming back.

The building in front of you is covered by a blue cloth with yellow stripes, it rose in the air like a pyramid, giving it a resemblance of being an actual tent, the cloth was supported by poles and there was one of them at the top. On the pole at the top were two symbols, a yellow square and a blue triangle, both of them having eyes in their centre. You chuckle a bit as the shape reminds you of a house drawing made by a child.

Once the lines moves and you get to your turn, you are welcomed by a black haired Asian girl, her name is Candy. Besides her was a strong girl with auburn hair, who looked like a bodyguard ready to throw you out if you make anything out of line, her name is Grenda. You hand your ticket to Candy, Grenda moves and gives space for you to enter.

As you walk inside you notice how large the building is, it's larger than it seemed from the outside. The walls were painted in black and had a single white stripe painted sideways, from the back of the audience to the sides of the stage. Thousands of seats, all being blue and having numbers painted in gold under them. You find yourself a seat and take a look at the stage. There's a white marble platform, at the back of the stage were the same symbols you saw at the top of the building, the yellow square and the blue triangle with eyes. The curtain at the left was yellow and the one at the right was blue. You wonder how obsessed those so called psychics are with blue and yellow.

Show Outfits (Cipher Twins)

The curtains close, a voice announce the entrance of two people. Their names stuck on your head, Bill and Will Cipher. For some reason, you find that name awfully familiar, although you never met anyone with that full name before. A smoke covered the stage in front of their curtains, creating a suspense that shut the audience and caught everyone's attentions, including yours.

Seconds passed, the curtains were opened, sweeping the smoke away with them and revealing the so well known (for the rest of town at least) Telepathy Twins, the Ciphers. You eye each one of them as both were so different, they looked nothing like you expected, they were just a pair of teenagers, just like you.

A spiky blonde hair boy greeted everyone with a shout, he wore a black suit with a yellow tie and shirt, his loafers were black, and at the side back of it was a small yellow square in each shoe of the pair, on his back was a yellow cape with a yellow galaxy on the inside, on his hands was a pair of black gloves with a weird yellow ball on the left one. His arms were raised, he was certainly excited to be on that stage. That boy was confident, a perfect showman with a confident grin.

The other twin had blue hair, the fringe fell a bit on his eye, he wore a white suit with a blue shirt and tie, a pair of white loafers with a blue triangle at the back of each shoe of the pair, his cape was blue and he had a blue ball around his neck as if it was a necklace or an amulet. His right arm was behind his back and his other one was on his chest, touching it, his eyes showed a soft calm expression, he bowed once the curtains opened. He didn't seem as excited as his brother, but he also seemed to like that attention, to be on that stage.

Show Outfits (Gleeful Twins)

You return to the tent the following day because you were curious about the guests the Ciphers said they'd bring upstage with them. You wonder if it would be some celebrity or maybe what the town calls guardians. You're sitting in the middle seats, trying to get a better view than the previous time.

The curtains open and the twins wore the same outfits as yesterday, you're not surprised, that's probably their main outfits and you almost believe that just like in many movies, they have multiple outfits that look exactly the same. The blonde boy, Bill, greeted everyone again, his voice echoed in an excited and chilling way.

Will, the blue haired one, called everyone's attention as he announced his mentioned guests entrance. You flinch as the lights suddenly turn off, the sound of drums could be heard. Ladies and gentlemen, Will presents you. . .

The Gleeful twins.

The lights are back on and a giant red and golden box is placed on the middle of the stage, on each side stood a pair of identical twins with brown hair and some white streaks. You wonder if it's dyed or natural, but you decided to focus on the show instead of making questions. Gideon is the one looking for trouble, not you (for now).

You look at the twins onstage. At the right of the box was leaning a woman with a white fedora hat with some golden peacock feathers in it, shaped as if they were actually a part of a peacock. Her dress was white, she wore a grey blazer with black buttons that was cut to the waist, you could see a pair of black boots with heels, but the skirt of the dress hid most of it, preventing you from seeing any details in it, on her neck was a golden necklace and in each of her ears was a golden star earring. On her hands were a pair of black gloves, they were long enough to be hidden by the sleeves of the blazer. She had a hand on her forehead and the other one held a blue staff with golden markings and a red gem up to her cheek without touching it. She was introduced as Mabel Gleeful.

At the left of the box was a man wearing a similar outfit, a grey blazer with a white shirt and pants with a golden belt that had a small blue peacock feather in it. He wore a dark blue cape with a blue galaxy inside, the cape had golden attachments and at the top of his greenish-blue tie was a golden pine tree. His boots were grey and had small silver spikes at the side bottom. He leaned on the box with his head hung low, the staff on his hand was just like his sister's, it touched the ground and pointed to the roof, a bit inclined to the left. He was introduced as Mason Gleeful.

You knew one thing for sure, those twins looked amazing.

You wondered what kind of guardians (if they were guardians) they were.

The next one will be more casual (or maybe not, depends on what you think), if you have any ideas or requests in mind, shoot me a comment or message me and I'll gladly do it!

That is all for now, thanks for checking this! Have a good day/night!

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