A Human Once (4)

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Oh simple thing,

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Two pair of eyes slowly open themselves, a soft mumble escaped a mouth. The sight was nothing but white, a white void. Everything hurt, arms, legs, head, everything. Who could be in such pain?

Gideon, the boy that jumped of a cliff.

You read correctly, he jumped of a cliff.

He couldn't take it anymore, the voices in his head led him to it. Or that's what part of him tells him, but deep inside he knows that it was a choice from the start.

He choose to jump down.

Gideon struggled to stand, his body still hurt. He was still processing that he somehow survived something most people would die to.

Or at least most mortal people would die to.

"H—Hello?" Gideon called, managing to sit down.

Gideon kneeled on the floor, his body couldn't stay up for too long, he fell with his hands on the floor, a groan escaped his mouth. He felt like collapsing on the floor, but before he could, a pair of arms wrapped around him and picked him up, his vision was still a bit dizzy, so he couldn't see properly the person's features.

"Easy there, child." a deep masculine voice said. "Everything's gonna be alright."

Even if he didn't know who that person was, Gideon felt comfort on his arms. By accident, he saw the image of his aunt Catherine in the person that carried him in their arms, a tear ran down his cheek. "Aunt Cathy. . .?"

Before he could say anything else, the person hummed softly. Even if they had a deep voice, the song was calm and relaxing, slowly, Gideon closed his eyes, falling into the darkness, which soon shaped into a deep dream.

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Where have you gone?

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Gideon woke up a second time, this time, he was in what seemed to be a room. He blinked twice before fully opening his eyes, feeling his body hurting less than before. The room, although, was quite familiar.

Did he dream of what he did, or did he actually do it?

"You did it, pal." a voice called, being next to the bed. "You jumped."

Gideon looked at the man that sat next to him. He had black hair and his eyes were golden, the fringe of his hair covered his left eye almost entirely, on his hands he held a golden sun and silver moon staff, on his face was a curved chill smile.


Silence filled the room, the two only stared at each other for a minute. Gideon sat on the bed, being quickly held by Robbie as he almost fell back, a small pained sound escaped him as his eyes almost closed. "Hey, easy there, buddy!"

Gideon looked at him with fear, trying to pull his hands away from him. "Wh—Who are you?"

"I'm Robbie," he said. "Robbie Corduroy."

"And where. . . am I?" Gideon asked.

"You're in the Afterlife." Robbie replied. "Well, one of the many."

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