Chapter 1 "The fresh new start"

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✦ Chapter 1

✦ That's a brilliant offer Pomu! Go for it!

✦ Well this ain't good.. Alban, Did you hit your head to hard...?

"A fresh new start."

"Your uniform code please wear the proper uniform. Wearing a vest is nothing wrong but your skirt being way too short is appropriate." Pomu then handed a paper to the student, As the bell rang, "Otsu everyone!" Pomu shutted her notebook, "Great job everyone!" Petra clapped, "Only eight students are gonna be in detention right?" Rosemi asked, "Yup, Pretty sure the teacher on the detention will handle them." Pomu stated.

"Off to our classes now!" Pomu then left, As the three went to their own classrooms,Pomu hummingly walked through the hallways of the school. It was not quiet but also not noisy, Just right. Pomu then opened the door of Class A. The teacher wasn't still there, But a few familiar students were there. As she was about to sit, The speaker suddenly made an error as it tried to reconnect, "Hello? Hello? Ehem- This is Selen Tatsuki speaking."

Selen spoke through the speaker, "Pomu rainpuff the Headmaster has ordered you to come to the head office. Immediately. Thank you. Selen Tatsuki signing off to the speaker." The speaker then cut off, "eh?" Pomu smiled confusingly.

Point view of
Pomu Rainpuff
| 10:23am | Headmaster's office |

Pomu knocked on the door, "Headmaster, You called?" Pomu came in politely as she asked the specific question that was heard on the speaker, "Yes. Please, Take a seat as we need to discuss something." The headmaster stated, Speaking his words. "The school has planned something." The headmaster said as Pomu listened, "There's two events that are happening, But we are unsure about the other one. We are sure that you are very fit for this role." The headmaster stated.

"What is this 'Event'?" Pomu asked, "Prom. I have heard that you handle events very well alongside Selen." The headmaster stated as Pomu coughed, "is there something wrong Miss Rainpuff?" The headmaster asked, "N-nothing! Sure! Of course, Well you know Headmaster, I'm quite...! Exhausted, Plus you said you are unsure about this, maybe cancel it...?" Pomu laughed awkwardly, "Hm, I see then, We'll find a way from that, As for the other event. The art competition hasn't started yet, But we will have a field trip. The other teachers know about this surely, They'll explain it to every student about this. That's it for now." The headmaster then cleared his throat.

"Miss rainpuff, We assign you on this you to handle the students on the field trip, With the help of the teachers of course, You have worked hard." The headmaster discussed this with Pomu very thoroughly, "H-headmaster...!?" Pomu shockingly replied. "You have two options: miss rainpuff. Leave it or take the gratitude from me Miss Rainpuff, I will be very thankful if you take the opportunity to make this field trip happen." The headmaster chuckled.

"Uh, Sure!!" Pomu laughed awkwardly, "You may be excused now, Miss Rainpuff, Thank you for helping me." The headmaster then nodded, As Pomu took her leave, She waved as she closed the door, She then kneeled, Thinking what would she do, She's part of the Council for almost one year now, She's doing this for scholarship, "WHAT THE HEEEEEECK!!" Pomu shouted in her mind as she held her head, She then heard footsteps coming in, She raised her head to see a familiar guy.

"Oh? Pomu? You okay?" He kneeled in front of Pomu who was also kneeling on the floor, "Oh! Shu! Yeah I'm good!" Pomu laughed awkwardly, "You sure? i heard there's a field trip happening—" Pomu then cutted Shu, "THEY ALREADY TOLD YOU!?" Pomu anxiously said, "Yeah? I'm quite part of the helping stuff, It's like a camping or something? No, maybe close to it..." Shu shrugged his shoulders, "Your part of it right?" Shu smiled at Pomu, Waiting for her answer, "H-heck yeah! Council Students are part of it of course...!" Pomu laughed awkwardly. "Want some? I bought three box of juice if you want some. I can't find Luca around, Haha..." Shu flusteredly said, "Sure! I heard spicy news from Nina and Uki. They are both gossiping about it...Hehe.." Pomu smiled menacingly at Shu.

"W-what kind...?" Shu looked at Pomu, As he smiled but deep inside of his emotion, He feels anxious... "Should I say it?" Pomu said with a joking tone, "Yes please...?" Shu replied, "Well I did notice after some time you and Luca are a...thing now huh?" Pomu said menacingly, "Uhm, Maybe...?~" Shu laughed awkwardly, Pomu then giggled spine-chilling. That got Shu on his nerves, "Something wrong...?" Shu asked.

"I can tease Luca about this hehe..." Pomu giggled, "Ah i see—" Shu then laughed, As a notification went on, Well, On the same time of their phone, They then picked up their phone, "Ah, Lu–" Shu spoke but Pomu also said something at the same time, "Elir–" The two then looked at each other, "You go first—" They both said it at the same time, "No you—" They said it again at the same time, "No, I'll go first." A himbo then steps in front of them, As the two look above them.

The himbo then pulled Shu, Shu then bumped his head on the Himbo's chest, "What are planning Pomu." He glared at Pomu, "Bxtch-" Pomu glared back, "Oh- Hey Luca—" Shu laughed awkwardly, "Hey you don't just pull like that!" Pomu pouted, "His mine!" Luca pointed out.

"Bro, The entire school knows that you two are dating!"
Pomu stated, "Shut up!" Luca then dragged Shu away from Pomu, "BXTCH!!" Pomu shouted, As Luca pulled a tongue out at Pomu, Letting pomu get annoyed, She then just watched the two disappear in her face. She then looked at the orange juice she's holding, She then pulled out the straw as she poked it in the juice box and just drank it as she walked away.

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