Chapter 4 "Practice"

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✦ Summary : 

✦ Oh God, Who will  be the next queen Alban!? I mean... Princess Eveline


Point view Ike Eveland

11:47am | Cafeteria |


"Before the class ends I have a special announcement." The teacher stated, "Is it another test Sensei..?" Enna murmured as their classmates started laughing as Ike just chuckled, The teacher then was surprised by Enna's answer as he chuckled, "No its not Enna, But for the announcement, We have a field trip upcoming this weekend! If you want to join, feel free to fill up your name on the paper of course you have to pay." As Ike remembered he had to assist the students in the Field trip, "Pretty sure Pomu-Senpai already signed me up right?" Ike thought to himself as he noticed many students were filling in line signing up for the field trip, Looks like everyone wants to join.

A few minutes has passed, "Okay students settle down, Before i go i just want to say that this Field trip is no normal trip, just for one day, it's a camping trip, We will stay there for an entire week, So I would like to request that I not be lost in the woods. I swear." The teached exclaimed a sigh as the students started laughing at the Teacher, As Ike just smiled in confusion, The bell then rang, Ike was quite surprised, He then covered his ears for a while, Closing his eyes,"Just count to five... Ike Eveland... it will be over.." Ike thought to himself as a tap ran through his shoulder, He then looked up, Still covering his hand to his ear, "E-enna senpai?" Ike then smiled slightly, Still covering up his ears, "Hey, It's okay now, The bell is not ringing anymore." Enna removed Ike's hand on his ears, "Just breath in and breathe out. Relax your mind." Enna slightly smiled, Ike never saw this side of Enna. She's often a chaotic person, But Ike was glad that Enna was there, "Thank you Enna-Senpai. Do you perhaps have a question?" Ike smiled gently as he asked Enna, "Oh that, What kind of camping is this..?" Enna asked Ike, "Just a normal camping nothing spooky or something!" Ike said jokingly, Teasing Enna, "Oh fxck you mean with a bit of sports..?" Enna asked Ike, "Yup~" Ike chuckled as he exclaimed a sigh, "Oh shxt– Right! I think Sonny and Alban are waiting for you outside." Enna looked toward the door, As she nodded, "Oh? They are?" Ike asked.

As Enna nodded, "Yeah, They said you have.. 'Theater'? Yeah I think that's the word." Enna exclaimed, As Ike nodded and stood up, "Well i should head out now then, Thank you Enna-Senpai catch you up soon!" Ike stated as he waved at Enna, Ike then walked out of the door meeting the two, Who is an inch taller than him, Ike still can't believe how his Kouhai are taller than him. "Hello guys~" Ike greeted the two, "Ah, Ike-Senpai!" Sonny beamed a gentle smile, "Ready to go?" Ike asked the two, "Ready whenever you are!" Alban chuckled, The three then walked together, But Ike sensed something was off... Why is he.. Walking in the middle of the two.? He then gently shook his head, "H-Have you guys had lunch...? Haha.." Ike chuckled awkwardly as he asked the two, "Yup...!" The two said at the same time, Ike then looked at them showing them a gentle smile. "I see" Ike chuckled, "Have you two memorised the lines...?" Ike asked awkwardly, "We have..!" The two again said at the same time, Every time the two sync Ike gets suspicious of the two.

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