Chapter 11 "Did We Just Kiss-"

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✦˚ ‧ ꒱꒱ 🍃 Summary :

✦Who did just Enna's precious lips!? Eyo!?✦

Point view of
Shu Yamino
| 8:12pm | Male cabin |

"That was refreshing!" Shu stretched his arms as he glanced at Uki, "What are you doing?" Shu asked Uki, As Uki looked his way to Shu, "Doing skin routine." Uki stated, As he placed his headband on his forehead, "Wanna try? I have an extra mask here." Uki stated, "Oh? Me? Sure!" Shu then stared at Uki, With his sweet smile and curiosity.

Uki then crawled over to Shu, Placing stretchable headband on his head, "Okay there, Now let me open the face masks…" Uki then opened the pack of face mask, As he pulled it out of the wrapper, As he gently placed it on Shu's face, "God it's so cold…!" Shu smiled, "Don't smile, Let me put it on properly—" Uki fixed Shu's mask.

Well on the other side the two on the bed just watching those two do their thing, "What are they doing…?" Yugo whispered, "They're putting masks on their faces… They look like ghosts…" Alban whispered back, Uki then looked behind him, "You two, Come here." Uki stated, As Yugo gulped as he stood up and kneeled in front of Uki, "You too Alban." Uki glared at Alban, "WHAT THE HECK—"

. . .
"Woah, This surprisingly feels good…" Alban leaned his head back against the wall, "I know right kyoudai…" Yugo spread his arms and legs on the floor, "Told you, It's relaxing, Plus, Good skin care…" Uki stated, "Very pog…" Shu mumbled, As a group of boys came in, "Eh—" Luca stared at them, "God I'm so tired!~" Ike stretched his arms up, "Hm!~" Ike yawned, As he laid on the bed, Followed by a certain man. He then snuggled Ike.

As Ike exclaimed a sigh, Vox then covered himself in a blanket as he hugged Ike, Secretly, Ike then let Vox do his thing as he read his book.

"Yo…" Yugo moved his arms and legs open and close on the floor, "This is so cool…" Yugo said while his eyes were shutted, "I mean.." Uki stared at Yugo, "What do you see man?" Alban asked, Who was leaning his head against the wall, With his eyes also completely shut, "Nothing bro." Shu slipped in, "That's my life without you man." Alban and Yugo said at the same time. "Bro…" Shu jokingly said, "Oh bro…" Alban stated, As the three joked around in front of Uki, He then exclaimed a sigh, Hearing the worst joke ever.

"Lights off everyone!" Elira entered the boys room, The boys then started climbing up to their bed, "Already!?" Alban shouted, "Yup, Yup, It's 9pm and by 6am, We are all assigned to wake up tomorrow!" Elira stated, As the boys groaned, On their way to their bed, "Huh, Well looks like you guys broke the assigned beds, Welp. Nothing I could do about it. Luckily it wasn't Pomu checking on you guys." Elira watched the boys.

"All good?" Elira asked, "Yup!" they shouted, "Goodnight Elira-Senpai!" Ike exclaimed, As Elira's eyes widened, She then exclaimed a soft scoffed as she smiled, "Goodnight Ike, Goodnight everyone!" Elira greeted them goodnight as she closed the lights, "Now for the girls." Elira shutted the doors as she went to their cabin.

Shu then removed his face mask as leaned to Luca, "Oh God, That scared me.." Shu mumbled as Luca beamed a smile, "Rawr~" Luca giggled quietly, As Shu chukled, The two then stared at each other for a while. "Can I kiss–" Shu covered Luca's mouth, "What…!?" Shu's face turned red. "Why not?" Luca asked, "W-Well—" Shu was stuttering, "Bxtch, Just kiss." Uki groaned, "Shut up Uki…!" Shu's face turned, As the other boys heard, The silence went to 'Ooh~' As Shu buried his face in Luca's chest.

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