Chapter 14 "I Like Everything About You"

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Point view of
Enna Alouette
| 7:50 pm | streets |

Enna watched the two suspiciously, As she heard a rustle, She then looked both ways, "Okay, This is fine…" Enna quietly exclaimed a sigh, As she placed her hands on the light pole.

"T-Thank you for walking me home…" Alban fidget his fingers, "Oh, Yeah, No problem!" Sonny chuckled, "should i do it…" Alban thought to himself, "Fxxk it…" He grunted, "S-Sonny!" He shouted, "What's up Alban?" He turned his head back to Alban, As Alban walked closer to Sonny, "A-Alban? Y-you're kinda close—" Sonny avoided Alban's gaze, "wait what am i supposed to do again—" Alban thought to himself, "Alban?" Sonny called out for Alban.

"Oh shxt–" Alban stumbled back away from Sonny, Covering his mouth, As he avoided the boy's gaze, "S-Sorry.."    Alban apologized, Enna then gritted her teeth, As she wiped her sweat, "God i need to go home…" Enna stated, As she stared at the two rapidly, "Fxxk i need the bathroom so bad–" Enna exclaimed, As she stepped in front of them.

"God, What are you two doing? Don't forget I'm your neighbor Alban." Enna said as she walked past the two, "I-I swear it's not like that!" Alban exclaimed. "Yeah…~ sure." Enna smirked, Turning her head slightly to the two, as she opened her door to her house. "FINALLY HOME!" Enna then flopped her bag as she ran towards the bathroom.

Point view of
Alban Knox
| 8:00pm | street |

"I—" Alban stammered, As Sonny glanced at him, "Do you need something Alban?" Sonny tilted his head, As Alban glanced at him, Peakingly, "N-Nothing…" Alban mumbled, He then reached for Sonny's colar, Pulling him closer, Sonny then blinked twice, "B-BYE!" Alban then rushed toward his home, Shutting the door loudly, That maybe Enna could hear.

Sonny was left outside of Alban's house, He was trying to process what just happened, His fingers roamed to his lips, "I…-" Sonny mumbled, His eyes were widened, Cheeks were flushed, "He–" Sonny stammered on his own words, "He kissed me…" Sonny mumbled, As he touched both of his cheeks, "Wha–" Sonny turned his head away.

The next day…

The students were finally back at school, Classes were starting to hand out new lessons and homeworks, For Enna, Her life was a complete mess, "Babu—!" Millie called for Enna, But Enna seemed to avoid her, "Damn… She's really avoiding you, Huh?" Elira smirked as she glanced at Finana, "Oh, Damn right, Gotchu right there~" Finana giggled.

"Why does she keep avoiding me! It's been weeks! What did i do!? Was it because of the sauna!?" Millie stomped her feet, As Millie exclaimed a sigh through her small pouty mouth, Her hands crossing together, As she glared at the two.

The two then shrugged off their shoulders, "C'mon you guys, You can't leave me hanging here…!" Millie looked at them with a sad face, "Erm, Y'know— We don't really know what's happening—" Finana stated, "You just saw what happened!" Millie groaned, As she walked away, "Enna likes her bro." Elira whispered to Finana, "Yup–" Finana agreed.

"Have you seen Enna!?" Millie asked, "Oh? Enna? I think so, I think she went to the uh, Hm… The council room?" She stated, "Okay thanks Rosemi!" Millie then rushed to the council room, "Better not run– You don't… Want to get detention…" Rosemi raised her hand, Catching to Millie, "Hope you're not getting detention…" Rosemi exclaimed with a sigh.

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