Chapter 16 "It's Beginning To Feel Like Christmas~"

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✦˚ ‧ ꒱꒱ 🍃 Summary :

✦ The season of winter has started! Looks like winter break is about to begin, What does the students would do around this year?

Point view of
Enna Alouette
11:50am | Classroom |

Enna stared at the window Blankly, Glancing up to the clouds moving, As the wind rustled through the leaves of the trees. The dried leaves flew by, As Enna's attention caught by the time.

The clock ticked, And ticked, Enna waited for the moment for it to finally just burst that sweet bell.

Enna rapidly played with her pen, Tapping it against her table. Without realizing, She was making a noise, Distracting the whole class. A gentle tap could be felt on her back, Enna turned around to see a sweet smile.

"You okay?" He asked sweetly, "Oh– Uh yeah… Sorry…" Enna apologized, "It's okay, You seem distracted." He stated, ''He's heterochromia looked at Enna curiously, "You fxxking disgust me Alban—" Enna grimaced, "Oh Ptf, Shut up man…!" Alban pouted, As he huffed.

"C'mon man, I was just ensuring if you were okay Y'know!" Alban pouted, With his hand on his chin, "Yeah, Bxtch." Enna rolled her eyes as she looked away, Again with the clock ticking on the back of her mind.

The tick-tock keeps on repeating through Enna's mind, As the bell rang, As if Enna's eyes darken you could the spark twinkle shine bright on her eyes, Slamming her hands on the table, As she ran towards the door, Going quickly like a dash.

Alban then Blankly watched what happened, "What the actual fxxk?" Alban uttered, "Is that Sonic—" Alban mumbled as he recalled what happened…

Point view of
Enna Alouette
12:00pm | Hallway |

"MILLIE PARFAAAAAIT!" She shouted, running dashed through the hallway, "Hey! No running in the halls!" A tall blonde man blocked her way, "What the heck! Hey!" Enna looked up, "Oh, Hey bro." Enna squinted her eyes.

"Detention—" "No way dude, Sonny you won't do that to your dear senpai." Enna wrapped her hands on her hips, "I mean, I wouldn't if it weren't my job." Sonny sighed, Pulling a clipboard as he clicked his pen, "Sign your name here please Senpai– Hey! No running in the halls! Oh darn it…" Sonny exclaimed a sigh.

Sonny then watched Enna ranaway from her crime, "Give it to me instead!" A male then popped out from behind Sonny, "Eh? What do you mean—" Sonny turned his head to see, As he tilted his head, "I'd like to spend my time with you in detention~" He grinned mischievously, "Alban that's not allowed–" Sonny hid his face on the clipboard, As he heard a scribble, "Eh?" Sonny directly looked at the clipboard, Seeing Alban's name signed.

"Nice! It's just me and you later then!" Alban giggled, As he hummingly walked away, "This is not allowed…!" Sonny said shyly, Watching the mischievous kitten walk away..

Point view of
Ike Eveland

As time passed by, It was already 6pm… Ike woke up surprisingly, Looking for his glasses, Sliding it through his ears, He then exclaimed a sigh, Looking at the mess he made earlier, How can this much of textbooks be used just this day.

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