Chapter 12 "Complete Darkness Are We?"

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✦˚ ‧ ꒱꒱ 🍃 Summary :

✦ Boys POV :
What's bothering you Vox? Is someone whispering?

✦ Girls POV :
Looks like the girls are having a party, How it's getting hottin'?

Point view of
Fulgur Ovid
| 9:39am | Cabin |

"You good Uki?" Fulgur asked as he placed the blankets on the bed as he walked closer to Uki, "O-Oh, Yeah." Uki mumbled, As Fulgur placed his hands on Uki's shoulder, "You've been spacing out, Did you have any nightmares last night?" Fulgur glanced at Uki worryingly.

"Oh, N-no." Uki avoided Fulgur's gaze, As he continued fixing the blankets and pillows at the cabin, Fulgur then frowned watching the psychic ignoring him, He then grabbed Uki's wrist as he pinned him down on the bed, "Tell me what's wrong." Fulgur asked Uki, As Uki's cheeks turned red, Gazing at the Cyborg on top of him. He then turned his head, Avoiding the Cyborg's eye contact, But not only to see, Another pair of eyes staring at him with flushed face and wide eyes.

"Holy crap-" Uki seated up, Pushing Fulgur away, "what-?" Fulgur turned his gaze to see Millie standing with Enna, "You know, Babu it's okay, We kissed earlier so it's fine." Enna shrugged her shoulders, "BXTCH DON'T SAY THAT!" Millie covered Enna's mouth, Face flushed red.

"Oh God... Bxtch what the fxck..." Uki mumbled as he hid behind Fulgur, Fulgur then slightly lowered his head, Turning his gaze at Uki, "We will talk." Fulgur said, As Uki clenched his sleeves, "There's no need too." Uki looked at Fulgur with his puppy eyes, "..." Fulgur exclaimed with a sigh.

"Yo, By the way, We came here to pick you up, Looks like you guys are finished cleaning anyways." Millie stated, Placing her hands on her hips, "Mhm, Okay then, For what?" Fulgur crossed his arms, Uki beside him clenching on his arm, "God, This is too powerful too look at-!" Millie closed her eyes, As Enna stared at them dumbfounded, "Yeah... Gathering... Because we finished our task, Meaning new task. Millie and I just finished the fxxking obstacles and it's hell." Enna groaned, "I mean, Cleaning is even worse...?" Fulgur rubbed his back neck, "Bxtch, No." Millie point at Fulgur with a pouty face, "I think obstacles are even hell Fuu-Chan." Uki stated. "Damn right." Fulgur wheezed, "He's shxtting at us right now!" Millie pouted. "I mean, You know, Earlier was kinda hot Babu.." Enna looked at Millie with a flushed face, "Oh God, Please don't mention it again, It's so embarrassing...!" Millie hid her face.

Point view of
Aia Amare
| 9:56am |
| Fishing river side |

"God- This- Is hard!" Aia pulled the rod up, "Because you're pulling the rod and not rolling it.." Yugo mumbled, "It's hard as a stone!" Aia shouted, "I got a fish!" Maria showed the bucket to Yugo and Aia, "That's nice-" Yugo stated as he noticed Aia was already on the floor, "Damn, Are you okay? Oh, You got a fish! Nice!" Yugo grabbed the fish on Aia's head, "Is this really a task...?" Aia groaned, Maria then helped Aia, as she stood up. "I don't know actually, The chef just told us to go fishing." Yugo shrugged his shoulders, "They should have fish in their fridge or stock or something!" Aia grunted. "I mean... Yeah?" Maria laughed, "Where's the others?" Yugo asked, "On the other side." Maria pointed, "Oh God, How did they get there!? Did they swimmed across!?" Yugo asked, "Oh, No they didn't! There's a stepping stone over there!" Maria pointed her fingers, "Damn, Aesthetic." Aia mumbled, "are your buckets full!?" Yugo shouted, "Two buckets is!" Alban shouted back, "KYOUDAI!?" Yugo shouted, "KYOUDAI!!" Alban shouted back.

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