Chapter 7 "Camping! Or Is It..?"

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✦˚ ‧ ꒱꒱ 🍃 Summary :

✦ Time to do some tasks! Or is it...?

Point view of
Pomu rainpuff
6:12am | Camp cabin |

"MIKA!?!" Pomu shouted, "WAIT WITH THE OTHERS TOO!?" Elira slipped in, "Heyo!" Zea greeted them, "Is there any bed here..? I'm sleepy.." Amicia stated, "Ey! My fellow penguin!" Petra greeted Amicia, "Oh- Hello petra!" Amicia greeted Petra, "Are you guys staying here?" Petra asked Amicia, "Unfortunately nope." Hana joined in their conversation, "awh...!" Pomu and Elira groaned, "Only Mika is, Since Mika is the bridge of the Indonesian and English of the school haha!" Hana jokingly said, "Hey..!" Mika pouted, "Oh!? ID and KR and JP are here too!?" Pomu exclaimed an expectant energy, "Yeah! They didn't tell you?" Zea asked Pomu, "No they didn't hella did!" Pomu crossed her arms, "Well that's a very very bad announcer, Just kidding!" Hana chuckled, "Well we gotta get going! Bet Etna and Taka are just full of confusion right now-" Zea stated, "Oh holy cow- you're right!" Hana snapped her fingers, "Yey.!" Amicia yawned, "Bye Pomu, Bye Elira, Petra!" The three girls waved as they left. "Did not get a proper sleep?" Hana asked, "I was up all night playing video games.." Amicia stated. "Henlo Mika!!" The girls greeted Mika, "YEAH!!! HELLO GUYS!!" Mika was full of Energy, As she laid on the floor, "Damn" Mika stated.

Point view of
The boys
6:20am | Camp Cabin |

They were all just lying on the bed. Just Uki and Shu were moving and fixing their own stuff, "Nice black nails." Shu stated, "Uh- Thanks..??" Uki and Shu then just stared at each other as they burst into laughing, "That's so out random!" Uki chuckled, "God..." Uki exclaimed, "Eh, It's nice though." Shu giggled, "You're too!" Uki stated, "Oh? Really? Mysta did it for me." Shu stated, "I didn't knew Mysta do nails!?" Uki gasp, As Shu chuckled, "Yeah, Yeah." Shu chuckled, As the two continued to unpack their stuff, "I didn't knew you have a stuff toy-" The two said at the same time, The two then blinked twice as they both laughed it off, "It's from Fulgur!" "It's from Luca!" Both mention their 'Friend' The two then just started wheezing so hard that they had to cover their face from all this laughing, "God- I can't deal with you anymore Shu! Haha..!" Uki chuckled, "Hey you're using you're psychic powers...!" Shu jokingly said, "Maybe not, Maybe i am!" Uki then chukled, "Cute penguin plushie." Uki took a glanced at the plushie, "It is! I love it.. I really like you're sheep with slash egg on top on it plushie!" Shu chuckled, As Uki blinked twice, Is this Sorcerer literally complimenting me twice!? Very unlikely, Uki then grinned gently, "Yeah.. Comfygazer.." Uki softly chuckled, "What are you two doing?" A guys slipped in, The two then raised their head, "Fuu-chan!" The two stated, "Hello~" Fulgur then took a seat between the two, "What's up?" Shu asked Fulgur, "Eh- Nothing much, Feeling a bit stuffy there." Fulgur took a glance at the guys on the bed, "Eh- Pretty much like it-" Shu chuckled, But suddenly, Uki went quiet, "Oh? You brought the plushie i bought you! How adorable.." Fulgur chuckled softly as he stared at Uki dearly, Uki's purple-pinkish eyes then widen, His heart was fluttering the butterflies flying around his body, His heart was pounding, Did Fulgur stared at him very lovingly, Uki can't help but, Just jump to Fulgur and gave him a hug, Fulgur then was quite surprised, He then patted Uki's back, "What's up Uki?" Fulgur chuckled, He just loves Fulgur very much, He was planning to walk away, But he couldn't ignore Fulgur, "I love you so much..." Uki murmured, Fulgur's blue sky eyes then widen as he chukled, "What did he said?" Shu being curious, As Fulgur flattered his hands, "Eh- I don't know~" Fulgur then lowered his head as he whispered, "I love you too Uki." As he chukled, Uki then flipped his body to face Fulgur, Head leaning on Fulgur's lap, Uki's face was flushed as heck.

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