Chapter 8 "connection"

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✦˚ ‧ ꒱꒱ 🍃 Summary :

"The students then find it quite difficult to travel around, Now there's this 'Monsters' lurking, But something felt off with our Little Witch..."

Point view of
Luca Kaneshiro
10:20am | Camp |

Luca then pulled Shu, "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Luca shouted, As Shu just shutted his face, As they were followed by two females, "Hey!! Slow down!!" They shouted, As Shu let go of Luca's hand, "Oh God… WHAT WAS THAT!?!!" Luca panted, "Hey! You were running too fast! We are not runners, Luca!" She exclaimed as she inhaled, As Shu just zoned out standing there, What literally just happened. "Babu… My legs fxxking hurts!" She complained, "Babu my legs hurt too!" The little witch also said the same thing as her bird friend just said. "Millie— Enna… you guys are small you should run fast though—" Luca stated, As Enna snapped, "BXTCH WHAT THE FXCK!? ARE YOU CALLING ME SHORT!?" Enna pointed out, As she started blabbering stuff, "BABUUUUU!!!" Millie covered Enna's mouth, "AAAAA" Enna screamed muffled, As Shu snapped back, "Oh shoot—" Shu processed again as he turn his head to Luca, "It's a ghoul or Demon—" Shu pointed out.

"The thing was following us—?" The ground shooked, "Is it getting closer again!?" Millie asked, "I think so—" The ground shake again, "Oh God.." Luca looked at shu, "God really hates me." Enna clicked her tongue, "God sees all…" Shu mumbled, "We'll love any emot—" "NO BABU" Enna shushed Millie, "God, Okay sheesh– wait…!" Millie then snapped her fingers.

"THE OTHERS!!" The three said at the same time, "OH SHXT THE OTHERS!!" Enna then stated as her face expression widened, All of them, Realising they lost the others, "Oh shxt we forgot about them–" Millie gasped, "We did…" Shu surprisingly said, "I'm sure they'll be fine… Right..?" Luca stated as he slowly got anxious, "M-My sister…" Luca stated as he lowered voice, "Lucy… She's.. There." Luca exclaimed, As Shu looked at him Worryingly, "I'm sure Lucy is fine..! She runs fast right? And she's strong!" Shu motivates Luca up.

"I guess…" Luca then lightened up again, As he beamed a smile, Just a ray of sunshine, "You guys run fxxking fast." Enna stated, "Like Sonic" Shu stated as he chuckled, lighting the mood. "Hey, I think it better—" The ground shook again, "God literally hates me." Enna stated, As they saw a dark shadow again, Shu then pulled down the three, "Enna, hold Millie's hand." Shu stated, "Okay, On my count. We run okay?" Shu stated, "Wait, What do you mean!?" Millie asked, "1..2..3..Run!" Shu pulled Enna's hand, "OH FXCK WE ARE RUNNING AGAIN!?" Enna shouted, As she recited something, "IN THE NAME OF THE HOLY JESUS CHRIST PLEASE SAVE US FROM THIS DEMON OH MY GOOOOD!" Enna shouted, Millie then scoffed, As Shu just put on a serious face.

As the dark shadow heard them, Trying to smell their path, But their trace disappeared, But followed the sound, "AY PUTEK HINAHABOL TAYO!! (Oh dirt, It's chasing us.)" Millie then blabbered in another language, As Luca muttered a wheeze while running, "Oh God.." Luca tried to keep his laughter in him until they found a shelter, "Over here! There's a looking shelter!" Luca shouted as he led them there, As they remained stayed there, As the four of them gasped for air.

"Oh God…" They panted, "That was so tiring.." Shu then laid his head on Luca's shoulder, "Are you okay Shu..?" Luca asked Shu, "Yeah.. I just used half of my sorcery.." Shu stated as he closed his eyes resting for a while, They were hiding in a big wide tree trunk beside them, As they rested there for a while, It was a safe shelter, Or is it? Shu's face then turned flushed as Luca's lavender eyes widened,
"Shu?" Luca cupped Shu's face, "shu???" Luca looked at Shu confusingly.

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