Chapter 2 "Well, Uhm, That's Weirdge"

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✦ Chapter 2 

✦ Yup, Totally weirdge- Wait! Alban watch out!


Point view of

Sonny brisko

| 6:54 pm | Alban's house |


Sonny then walked inside of Alban's house, He then glanced at the flustered kitten, "Hey you don't have to come you should go home." Alban stated, "My parents aren't home i have no one else in my house." Sonny stated, "Oh, I see well i guess, But i can take care of my head injuries." Alban chuckled awkwardly as the door opened its own, "My! If it isn't Sonny! My favorite boy..!" Alban's mom then hugged Sonny, "You have grown! You look so different now! So handsome!" She chuckled, "Hello auntie" Sonny bowed, "My, Still the same as ever! How adorable..! Oh-! I have made dinner just on time, are you staying in for the night?" Alban's mom asked, "Yes I am." Sonny stared, "My, then! Please come in!" Alban's mom welcomed the boys in, "I'll serve the dinner, Just sit down on the table! I'll be right back...!" Alban's mom then left.

Sonny then took a seat beside Alban, He then took a good glance at the kitten, Staring to those heterochromia eyes, "Please stop staring.." Alban looked away, As Sonny chuckled, Later on. "Alban! Help me set up the plates!" Alban's mom shouted from the kitchen, Alban then stood as he looked at Sonny with a flustered face as he turned his back and walked away. Leaving Sonny alone, "Tsundere..." He chuckled, Just daydreaming about the young one.

As a sound of plate then putted in front of Sonny, As he watched Alban carefully putting the plates, As Alban slipped, Sonny actions watching the plate, He quickly grabbed it well, Luckily it didn't crashed Alban's feet although it was a pain in the back since his posture is wrong, He then quickly seated up fixing his posture, Holding the plate.

"S-sorry, I'm so clumsy these days..." Alban said with a sad tone, "It's okay, People often are like that what matters is that you didn't get injured again." Sonny then beamed a smile at Alban, As Alban giggled softly, He then took a sit beside Sonny.

"Dinner is prepared!" Alban's mom then placed the food on the table, "Eat up!" She stated as she watched the two boys dig in on the food, "thank you for the food!" The two said, As they ate the food, "How does it taste?~" She asked, "Umai!" Sonny giggled, "Glad you like it!" Alban's mom giggled, "Aren't you gonna eat mom?" Alban asked his mom, "I ate some earlier, I'll just watch you two eat as I drink my tea!" She giggled, "That's creepy mom—" Alban stated, "Don't mind me~" She giggled.


Point view of

Sonny brisko

| 7:36 pm | Alban's room|


Sonny then laid at the futon that Alban gave him, So comfy, "Onii, I'll take a bath—" Sonny then sprung up, "Hey you don't have too—"

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