Chapter 3 "Watch Out!"

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✦ Chapter 3

✦ Well what do we have here... A-Alban!? Watch out!

✦ Hm what a familiar person... That just transferred, But isn't ILUNA just new too?


Point view of

Sonny Brisko

| 6:50 am | side walk |


"Watch out!" Sonny shouted as he pulled Alban who almost slipped, Letting Alban hit his face on Sonny's chest, "Damn, That biker literally just looking at his phone not giving a care where he's going." She crossed her arms, "Sorry about that Alban.." She apologizes "Ah, Enna hello." Yugo greeted Enna, "Sup" Enna greeted Yugo back, "Why is there a bandage on Albans head?" Enna pointed to her head as a gesture, "He hitted his head on the counter." Sonny stated.

"Huh, I see, You're quite clumsy Alban, I noticed that. And always startled when someone comes up to you something happened?" Enna asked Alban, "A-am i?" Alban asked, "Is it because you two started dati–" Sonny covered Yugo's mouth as he shook his head, Giving Yugo a sign as a No, No danger. "Oh right, You two are dating." Enna smirked at the two, "How did you know !?" Alban asked Enna with a surprised tone, Who knew some of his classmates know the two are dating? "I mean- who? Me and Sonny? N-no way..!" Alban is very bad at lying, The flush red can be seen rising from neck to ears and especially. His face. Sonny then couldn't help but just chuckled at Alban's action as Yugo snickered, Watching his friend just trying to lie even though it's noticeable.

"Bxtch stop lying." Enna glared at Alban, "Or else.." Enna pointed at Alban's chest, "Okay, okay fine fine we are...!" Alban said flusteredly, As Enna chuckled, "Good enough, anyways—." Enna then walked to the cross-road, Seeing the light has turned green, The three boys then followed Enna on their way to their school.


Point view of

Scarle Yonaguni

| 7:09 am | Hallways |


Scarle was moved into a new classroom, Due that the teachers accidentally moved Scarle to the top classroom she was moved to a lower class, Class B. She then tried to find what floor it was and the building, To find it was Building II third floor, She then exclaimed a sigh not expecting this was very far, Well not quite she was already standing at the moment in front of the building she's looking for.

She then walked up to the stairs reaching the third floor, "THIS IS FREAKING TIRING!" She screamed to her head as she heard a footsteps as she looked behind to see Aster and Ren together, "Oh- hey guys!" Scarle looked at them waving, Scarle was clenching on the rail, "Oh? Didn't know you were in the same building as us Scarle!" Aster looked at Scarle with a sweet smile, As Scarle chuckled, "I got freaking moved because I'm on a wrong building." Scarle stated, "What class are you?" Ren asked Scarle, "Class... B?" She tilted her head as she looked at the paper that was given by Pomu, The head council student. "Oh! You're in the same class as we are in!" Aster then giggled, Scarle then looked surprised being in the same class as her two friends.

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