England Camp !

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Thank you so much for 100 reads, might be a small milestone for some but it means a lot to me, I hope you're liking the story so far. 

My alarm starts blaring at 6am but you know what, I'm not mad about it today because guess what! 


I can't believe it, this still doesn't seem real to me, how is 21 year old me going to play for England this summer? If only 5 year old me could see this, she would be so excited, maybe more excited than I am right now. Well maybe not actually. 

I roll out of bed and head straight for a nice long shower, need to at least attempt to make myself presentable for this new chapter of my life. I take extra care to lather my hair with shampoo and conditioner. I used a raspberry shower gel and exfoliant to get my skin clean and shiny. Can't be looking unpresentable and the best day of my life. 

As I get out of the shower it is coming up to 7, I have two hours until Keira and Lucy come to pick me up and drive us to Saint Georges Park. Keira told me they would take me as it makes sense when I am on their way and they don't want me to enter a new environment completely on my own. I really appreciate those two girls, they have done a lot for me over the past few months and I am really grateful for the friendship that we have created, even if I do third wheel a lot. 

I get changed into the England merchandise that was sent to us about a week ago, that we were instructed to arrive in. I picked out the purple tracksuit bottoms and top as well as a gray nike England jumper as it was a bit chilly out there today. After getting changed I took a fair few photos of myself in the kit I can't lie. It was a surreal feeling I felt like it needed to be documented somehow. 

After taking some pictures and sending a couple to my mum, I went downstairs to have a quick breakfast. I only opted for some cereal today I don't think I could stomach anything more than that right now because I am so nervous. I sit at the dining table watching random tiktoks on my phone while I eat. Time ticks by and suddenly its 8am, 'I should probably go finishing my last minute packing', I think to myself. 

I run upstairs to put the last few things in my suitcases, just last minute essentials such as my laptop, any chargers I used last night, toothbrush and of course my sudoku book, not a chance I am forgetting that. 

I finish putting everything in the suitcases and drag them to the front door ready for Keira and Lucy arriving. I did a quick tidy of the flat, after all if things go well for us I won't be back for a few months. Just as I finished Lucy rang. 

"Hey Y/Nickname we're outside, do you need helping bringing your things out?" Lucy asks.

"Yes please Luce that would be great, I don't have much I'm just weak and lazy heheh". 

"Coming see you in a sec" Lucy states. 

Literally two seconds later she's walking through the door engulfing me in a hug. "You ready for this?" She asks me.

"Are you kidding Luce I was born for this" I exclaim, hopefully that was convincing enough to cover my nerves. 

"Sure Y/N lets get this stuff in the car and head off then" Lucy states.

Once the car is packed we head off for the journey and I don't know if I am feeling more nervous or excited, I guess only time will tell.

Skip to arriving at Saint Georges Park

Oh my god I'm here, I'm finally here someone pinch me. 

"Ouch Keira what was that!" I scream 

"What you said someone pinch me?" she cries.

"I said that out loud? Oops my bad guess I'm just too excited! Can we go now?" I ask. 

As we step out of the car and grab all out bags and suitcases we are greeted by two members of staff that introduce themselves as Emma and Charlotte, they take us in through the main entrance and into the lobby where we are told we are the first to arrive. This gives us time to get up to our rooms and settled before others start to arrive. 

I head up to the desk and grab the envelope with my room key in, I'm in room 202, I'm not sure who I am with yet I guess I will have to wait and see, I really hope it is Georgia that would be a dream come true. Lucy and Keira are sharing a room down the hall from me in 206 so I know I will be able to see them if and when I want to I guess. 

After hauling all my things upstairs I started to unpack and pick a bed, I chose the double by the window, I am a sucker for a good view, I hope my roomie doesn't mind too much. Just as I finish setting up my nightstand I hear the door unlock, here we go please be someone good. I turn around as the door opens...

"GEORGIA OMG THIS IS THE BEST, ROOMIES ROOMIES ROOMIES!" I chant rushing to Georgia to tackle her into a hug. 

"Y/N no way, I was so scared to be roomed up with someone I didn't know, this is gonna be the best camp ever and now I get to room with you, what a better way to start" Georgia tells me. 

I help Georgia with her bags and show her which bed is hers, after I help her unpack and settle in we head down to the conference room to meet everyone else, this is where the nerves kick in, what if they don't like me? What if they think I am too young and not ready for this? As we approach the door I stop in my tracks. 

"Y/N whats wrong?" Georgia asks me worried.

"I'm just so nervous, what if I am not ready for this?" I worry. 

Just then Keira comes up behind us "Y/N you're so ready for this, you are an unreal player and you wouldn't be here if Serena didn't think that you were ready, go in there and be yourself and I promise they will love you just like we do", just having her belief in me relieves some of the worry.

Luce wraps her arm around my waste and Keira does the same on the other side of me and we all walk in together. Here goes nothing I guess. 

So you've made it to camp, next chapter I will introduce a few other players and some of the characters will become more central to the story, let me know if there are people you would like to feature.  

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