Its finally time

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Part 4 thank you for the reads already, I appreciate every single one of them 

Final Game Day

Its the final game of the season before we all head off for international duty. It feels a little bit bittersweet I can't lie, I'm gutted the season is coming to and end but in a few weeks I'll be heading off to the England camp and for that I couldn't be more excited for that if I tried. 

Had a bit of a lay in this morning, I know getting to sleep in until 8am what a dream for me, god bless a late kick off. I rolled out of bed, literally rolled onto the floor, worked up the courage to go for a shower, needed to wake myself up a little bit for today. I took my time just letting the hot water rush over me until my skin was red hot (girls you know the feeling). 

After getting myself dried off and dressed in my City training kit, t shirt and shorts today its hot out today already. I took myself downstairs stuck the telly on, friends of course, and made myself the usual eggs on toast, the best pre match breakfast. 

We have an 8pm kick off tonight so we don't have to be at the ground until 5 so I have plenty of time to kill. I think I'll message one of girls to see if they want to grab a coffee or something. I pick up my phone and message the group chat

*Hey girls, anyone up to get a coffee around noon?* 

Keira replied almost instantly *me and Lucy are in we'll meet you at the Starbucks by your flat at 12?*

*Sounds good to me girls I'll meet you there :)* 

Fast forward to 11:30

I've changed into a nice pair of jean shorts and a white nike top to meet the girls, it'll be nice to spend some time with Lucy and Keira out of a football environment, we've really been getting close recently, even if I do have to third wheel. 

I put on my dunks and head off towards the starbucks.

Once I arrive I see Lucy and Keira sat in a booth in the back corner.

"Hey girls, look at you two in your matching tops, cute."

"It was purely accidental but we didn't have time to change" Lucy chimes.

"Yeah sure Luce we all know you're such a simp anyway I'm sure you're not complaining at all" I tease back. 

"Oh she definitely isn't she made us take pictures before we left the house" Keira laughs. Lucy shoots her a glare because she was outed. 

"Awh that's so sweet Luce always knew you were a simp" I reply.

"Anyway Y/N enough of us let's talk about your love life, got your eye on anyone recently?" Keira enquires. 

I instantly blush I can feel it straight away. "What no of course not, spend too much time with you lot don't I" 

"No no hang on Y/N I've saw the glances last game don't pretend that I didn't" Lucy laughs at me. 

Keira glances right at me "What is she talking about? Who do you like?" 

"What no one, Lucy I'm going to kill you just so you can expect that" I tell her, she just laughs at me.

"She couldn't keep her eyes off Leah, definitely a bit of flirting going on there as well at the Arsenal game" Lucy tells Keira.

"Wait Leah, Leah who? Williamson? Oh I definitely see that, you'd be such a cute couple. She'll be at the England camp, make your move then!" Keira exclaims. 

"Keira lets take it down a notch, I've met her once I will not be making any moves absolutely not" god I feel nervous just thinking about it. 

They continue teasing me for about half an hour before they had to leave to go back to Nala, the cutest dog ever may I add.

We all head out separate ways and I head back to the flat to have some lunch and just relax before I head to the stadium. 

Skip to being at the stadium 

I arrive just before 5 and head straight to the changing room to change into our warm up gear. Georgia comes straight up to me engulfing me in a hug. 

"Hey Y/Nickname, once your changed wanna do a lap around the pitch?" she asks.

"Of course G, its a pre-match ritual for a reason, I'll be out in 5" you reply.

Once you change you head out to meet Georgia and do a lap with her taking in the pitch and the fans that are already making their way into the stadium. 

As you finish the lap the rest of the team are coming out for the warm up before the game, you go over to join them.

After warm up, a few possession games and working on our defence tactics, we head back into the ground and wait in the changing room until its time to head off for kick off. 

After the game

2-1 win to us against Manchester United, can't complain for the last game of the season, managed to get myself a cheeky assist so I'm happy with how I played. 

As I was heading to the changing room, Ella Toone and Alessia Russo come up to me to introduce themselves before we head to the England camp in a few weeks. It was really nice to meet them they both seem like such lovely girls and it will be nice to have some girls a similar age to me at the camp, I can't wait. 

After getting changed I say bye to the girls and get home for a nice bath and recovery session before making dinner and getting a really early night, today has taken it right out of me. 

I am so excited for the next few weeks to just relax before I head to the England camp with everyone, sure the nerves are there but I just want to enjoy it before anything else. 

Okay this was a bit longer than I intended but here we are. So the next chapter will skip to the arrival at the England camp and everything to do with that.

Thank you for reading it means a lot :) 

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