Dreams can come true

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The facts of this game aren't necessarily accurate I just wanted to write it how it would fit with the story.

Today is our final game of the group stage and we are playing Northern Ireland. We need to win this game to secure our place in the quarter finals, so no pressure really. I woke up around 6:30 and headed straight for a shower to wake myself up a bit, we didn't need to be on the coach until 12 so I took my time a little bit. After my shower I got changed into my purple England shorts and a grey England top, it was a bit warmer already today I can feel it. 

After Georgia had her shower we headed down towards the food hall for breakfast. I was greet by Leah at the door so we could walk in together, it was becoming a routine of ours. "Good morning little one how did you sleep?" she asked me with a kiss on the cheek.

"Not as well as if I had you with me" I pouted, which Leah kissed away. I grabbed her hand and headed over to the food bar.

"Can we get two portions of eggs on toast please?" Leah asked the chef ordering for the both of us. "Go sit down I'll bring it to you"

"Thanks darling" I tell her kissing her on the cheek. I go join the table with the usual suspects. "Morning girls" I say taking a seat. 

"Morning y/nickname, no breakfast for you this morning?" Keira asks.

"Oh Le is bringing it over for me" I reply as I smile.

"Wow you two really are loved up aren't you?" Lucy teases.

"I wouldn't say loved up just yet but I do really like her, I can't get enough" I admit. The girls all seem to giggle as I say this. "What is it?" I ask. And then suddenly someone is clearing their throat behind me.

"Can't get enough of me eh little one?" Leah teases. 

"Oh stop you know what I meant" I blush at the fact she heard me.

"Don't worry y/nickname I feel the same" she says giving me a kiss before taking the seat next to me. 

"Ew get a room you two" Georgia whines. 

"I wish we could but you and Beth are always in there" Leah complains. 

The banter continues like this for the rest of breakfast before we all headed off to our own rooms to carry out our pre game rituals. For me and G this usually involves playing fifa and dancing around to music. Georgia let me pick the music this time and of course I chose a bit of Aitch, my favourite at the moment. We were dancing around for about 15 mins before I heard a little giggle in the corner by the door.

"Omg Leah how long have you been stood there?" I walk over to turn the music off, Georgia gives me a dirty look before noticing Leah near the door.

"Long enough, what an Earth are you two doing?" she asks laughing slightly at us.

"Hey this is what we do to relax before a game okay" Georgia replies defensively. 

"Well alright then. Are you two ready to go? Leah asks us I nod and she picks up my bag from the bed. 

"Darling I can carry my own bag" I tell her.

"I know you can but why would I let you when I'm here" she leans over to kiss my cheek and we head off to the coach.

Skip to the game

We are in the changing rooms getting ready as Sarina comes in with the team sheet. She announces that because Northern Ireland are an easier side she is making some changes to the starting 11 to give some players their chance to start and prove themselves. I squeeze Leah's hand in anticipation, I'm really hoping Sarina trusts me to start. And it turns out she does she's putting me up front for the start of the of the game!

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