Date Night

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After my text from Leah last night I haven't stopped thinking about her all morning, when I woke up, when I went for a shower, when I was getting dressed, when I headed down to breakfast, I just couldn't get her out of my head. I really wanted to know what she had planned but when I messaged her this morning all she said was *you'll find out won't you ;)*. I hope I get more out of her at breakfast. 

As I sat at the table with the usual crew they could instantly tell something was going on "What is that massive grin on your face for?" Beth quizzed me. 

"Maybe I am just happy to see you lot and get a day off" I replied back. 

"Yeah that's definitely not it, something is going on and I will find out what" Georgia stated. 

"Good luck with that G" I smirked as I replied, just then I felt the familiar presence of the blonde next to me and instantly smiled bigger. 

"What are you lot so excited about over here?" she asks taking her usual seat next to me. 

"We are trying to work out why Y/N is so excited" Lucy states dropping me right in it, of course Leah knows and I'm so embarrassed that she can see how excited I'm getting.

"Oh I know" she laughs playfully. I glare at her trying to make it obvious I want to speak to her, she doesn't take my hint, so before she spills to everyone I ask "can I talk to you in private for a second please Leah?". I get up and walk her over to a corner of the room where I know no one will be able to hear us. 

"Are you going to tell them about tonight?" I ask nervously. 

"I was going to tell them I'm taking you out, but if you don't want people to know I guess it's okay" she answers looking a little defeated.

"It's not that, I do want people to know about this but not before we know what it is ourselves" I say trying to reassure her.

"Don't worry little one all will be revealed tonight" she smirks and she walks back over to the table, I follow her. I give a warning look to the table not to ask anymore questions they seem to get the hint. Instead we spend the next half an hour or so discussing the rest of our day. Beth, Lucy and Keira are going shopping and I asked if I can tag along with them, I want to pick out something nice for my evening with Leah. 

As we walk back to our rooms I pull Leah behind for a second so I can ask her what I should be prepared for tonight, she simply tells me to "dress nice and bring nothing but yourself, that is enough for me" I blush slightly and give her a quick kiss on the cheek before running back to the rest of the group and then up to my room. 

On the shopping trip

Me, Beth, Keira and Lucy all headed into town to do some shopping, the rest of the girls obviously gravitated towards the more sporty stores to buy clothes and shoes for times when we weren't playing or training. I picked a few bits for myself including some new hoodies and shorts. After a few hours shopping we decided to go get some lunch at a nearby cafe, I opted to get a cheese and ham toastie because you can't beat a classic. 

"Girls after we have eaten do you mind if we go to some more dressy shops? I need to pick up a few bits" I asked politely.

"Yeah of course sounds good, what do you need to buy for?" Keira asked me. 

"Oh I didn't bring anything really suitable for an awards night or any celebrations we'll be having" I quickly lie on the spot, I'm not ready to discuss me and Leah yet until I know what we are. 

"Sounds good shall we head there now so we can get back soon, I need a nap" Lucy whined. 

Back at St George's Park

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