Celebrations and Suprises

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After lifting the trophy we do laps and laps of the pitch just taking in every moment we possibly can, we sing sweet caroline too many times to even count. There is a big patch of confetti on the pitch I run as fast as I can and slide on my belly through it. Loads of the girls join me Leah just stands there and laughs at us. "Y/n you need to bring her in, she's the captain she has to be a part of this" Ellen whispers in my ear.

"On it" I reply before standing up and walking to Leah with a big grin on my face. 

"Enjoying yourself darling?" she asks. Instead of responding I just tug at her arm and run towards the confetti. "Y/n no absolutely not".

"Oh come on don't be boring get in there" I tell her, she remains planted to the spot. "For me" I plead with puppy eyes.

"God damnit" she sighs before running towards the rest of the girls, I cheer and follow her in, before long the whole team is rolling around in confetti throwing it all over each other. After a good while on the pitch the fans were basically gone so we headed back into the changing rooms to carry on the party there. There was a lot of dancing, singing and some drinking, even Sarina got herself involved in the dancing. Leah dragged me a side so we could dance together and I knew Beth was definitely filming us, I need to remember to get that video from her later. We rejoined the rest of the girls just as Rachel started to do another performance, this time to River Deep, Mountain High, her favourite of course. This is definitely not the last time we will see this from her over the next few days I'm sure. 

We got told that Sarina was doing an interview in the board room and before I know it we were heading there, I do not remember whose idea it actually was but we burst into the room chanting "FOOTBALLS COMING HOME" over and over. We were dancing around the table, I glance over and Mary and Lucy are on the table dancing and stomping. I expected everyone to be mad but they were all singing along and laughing at us. Everyone is on such a high right now and I can't see it coming down anytime soon, not like I even want it to. After gate crashing the interview we headed back to the changing room to get ready to go back on the coach and head back to the hotel. Let's just say we were ready to party hard. 

The whole coach journey was just music, singing, dancing, photos with the trophy and a lot of chanting about Jill Scott but I mean come on, can you blame us? The woman is a legend. We arrived off the coach and there was lights and music all outside the hotel clearly the party had already started. But before I could even think about any of that I needed a good shower and to get ready suitably for a celebration. And with that I kissed goodbye to Leah and me and G raced off to our rooms, knowing full well whoever gets there first gets the shower first. Georgia is much faster than me so obviously she got there first. It's fine gives me time to plan out my outfit for tonight. 

I had just finished picking out and outfit when Georgia stepped out of the shower "it's all yours she teased". I had a quick shower and blow dried my hair and styled it into some loose curls, I applied minimum make up because with all the dancing and what not I know it won't last long anyway. I then put my outfit on and made drinks for me and Georgia to have in the room before we meet Leah and Beth to head down to the party. "Well don't you look good" Georgia grinned "you'd think you had someone to impress" she joked.

"Phaha thanks G you look amazing, is Olly coming tonight?" I asked her.

"He is" she told me with a massive smile her on her face, I can tell she has missed him. I'm not even thinking how hard it's going to be when I go back to Manchester and Leah stays in London. That's a conversation for another day, tonight I just wanna celebrate with my favourite people. Speaking of there is a knock at the door meaning Leah and Beth are here. "I'll get it I shout". I rush over to the door to let them in "hey Beth you look stunning" I told her stepping aside so she could come in for a drink. And then I saw her and my mouth dropped "Take a picture it'll last longer" she teases me.

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