When we get home

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As we head outside of the hotel there is a black town car waiting to take us to the restaurant. "How did you manage this Le?" I ask her quizzically. "I have my sources everywhere you know" She replies with a cheeky grin and a wink that makes me weak at the knees. "I'll remember that", I laugh in reply. We get into the car and spend the 15 minute journey just reminiscing on the last two weeks and laughing at some of the amazing memories we had made together. I don't show it on my face but I know soon it's coming to and end and the hard part begins for us. 

As we pull up to the restaurant Leah jumps out the car and is opening my door before I've even had the chance to undo my seatbelt. "Wow such a gentlewoman as always Miss Williamson" I retort as I take her hand and step out of the car. "Always for you Y/n". We head towards the restaurant, Leah walking right next to me with our hands intertwined, her grip so tight like she's scared I'm going to run away. She leans over to me "also 'Miss Williamson' big fan of that, it's hot". I can feel my cheeks flush red and Leah gives me a kiss on the cheek and chuckles to herself at my redness. 

As we enter the restaurant Leah gives her name to the greeter and we are shown to a secluded table towards the back of the restaurant.  As expected Leah pulls out my seat for me and I tuck myself into the table. We order a bottle of champagne to the table, after all it is our holiday why not have a bit of fun on the last night. The waiter brings us our menus and just the sight of it makes my stomach growl, clearly I'm more hungry than I realised. I studied the menu for a minute and asked Leah "what do you want to eat Le?". With such casualty she looks up "you". My eyes widen and I can feel my cheeks fill. "Leah!" I gasp in complete shock and also quite a large amount of arousal. I look around to make sure no one heard her, luckily most of the tables around us were empty and the ones near us appeared not to have noticed. 

I look at Leah and a massive grin is plastered on her face, god she knows the effect she has on me. I smile and take her hand in mine, out conversation begins to flow about anything and everything. A waiter comes over inbetween to take our orders and then its conversation as usual, nothing in the world feels like it and I'm truly happy in this moment. But soon the conversation switches to club football and subconsciously my face drops. 

"What is it little one? What's wrong?" Leah asks worryingly. I try to assure her its nothing but she knows me better than anyone. "What happens when we get home Le?" I ask tears beginning to form in my eyes. I didn't want to have this conversation as I know it would only lead to me being upset but I know it was one that we needed to have. I didn't expect Leah to deal with it so well. 

*Leah's POV*

It breaks my heart knowing that me and Y/n are going to have to spend more time apart when we get back to England but I have more than enough faith that we will work it out and I know that I can convince her of the same. "Little one, I'm going to talk and I'm going to need you to listen to every word I say okay?' She gives me a nod acknowledging what I'm asking of her. 

"These last few months with you have been the best and easiest months of my life. We came together completely by accident and I wouldn't change it for the world. We had the best summer together, won one of the most prestigious awards in international football together and I couldn't have done it with a better person by my side. And I know when we get home things are going to change".

"Leah..." I start. "Hey did I say I was finished?" She laughs

"They are going to change and there is no doubt about that, you'll go back to Manchester and keep doing what you're best at because that's who you are and I wouldn't want you to do anything else. I'll go back to Arsenal and carry on. But I'll train and play so much better knowing I'll have you as my little cheerleader cheering me on from wherever you may be, just as I will be for you. Well, apart from when we play each other in a few weeks. But listen to me now okay? Nothing between me and you is going to change, except the distance but I know we will overcome it. I truly believe you are my person. Never in my life have I felt the way about someone as I do about you. I can feel your presence in a room before I even see you, my heart skips a beat every time you say my name. Butterflies whirl in my stomach whenever you kiss me or look into my eyes. And I know that this, what we have, is forever and I will do everything in my power to keep it that way." At this point there is tears streaming down both of our faces, I reach over and grab y/n's hand and place a gentle kiss on it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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