Training Day 1

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Back to your POV

7am and that stupid alarm goes off, sorry but what is the need. I turn over to turn it off and that's when I feel it, the arm around my waist. OH MY GOD. I am in bed with Leah Williamson. How on Earth did this happen. I must have fallen asleep while we were chatting, but why didn't she leave? I am so embarrassed right now, I need to go. 

As I go to stand up Leah twitches and lets out a groan "hey where do you think you're going little one?", god that morning voice does things to me. 

"Just to the bathroom, sorry for keeping you here last night" I reply, blushing at the nickname she gives me. 

"Come back to bed, 5 more minutes please, I want to cuddle" she pleads. Well I would be stupid to say no to that wouldn't I really. 

"Okay but five minutes because we have training today and as much as I would love to stay here, it's my first session and I don't wanna be late" I make her aware.

"I promise we won't be late I just don't wanna leave you" she smiles. God she makes me weak.

5 minutes pass so quick but it's a training day so I can't complain. Leah gets up to leave and I walk her to the door, she turns and gives me a quick kiss on the forehead before leaving to go and get ready. I can feel my whole face turning red. Georgia walks in just as Leah leaves, oh no this can only end one way.

"Sooooooo Y/Nickname, what as that last night?" she teases.

"What was what?" I reply acting dumb. 

"Don't pretend there wasn't something going on, you have to tell me everything" she pleads.

"We just fell asleep that's all, I'll tell you after training, we need to get breakfast and get ready" I smirk and head down to breakfast.

Skip to the training ground

Well its happening and I can't quite put into words how this feels, my first training session as a member of the senior England squad. Before we started Sarina pulled me to one side just to tell me what she expected from me and that before anything I should focus on enjoying myself. 

I head over to join the forwards where our coach told us that we were going to be working on movement within the penalty area. We took it in turns having 3 in the area at a time, with two coaches trying to defend. A ball would be played in from either a midfield position or the wing. We would then have to control the ball, pass between us so that everyone has a touch and then shoot. I was in a trio with Alessia and Ellen, after a few times round the coach pulled me over to the side and said "I am seeing some really great work from you here, I will definitely put in a good word with Sarina before the first game". 

"Thank you so much" I replied, well that seems promising, it's a great feeling to gain recognition for your hard work. 

After running the drill and a few finishing drills we were called in as a team, where we were told that to finish up the training session we would play a few 5v5 games just to get a feel of playing together a little bit.

"On the last team we will have Y/N, Keira, Ella, Lucy and Leah" Sarina tells us. Well this should be easy we have an amazing team. We weren't playing first so we had a little rest on side watching the others. I went to sit on the grass when a certain blonde comes and places herself next to me. "Hi Y/nickname" she grins.

"Oh hey Leah, good session?" I start making conversation. 

"Yeah it was really good, I'm really confident in the defence this year" she replies.

"I bet being captain helps with that I guess, wouldn't have picked you if you weren't strong enough" I big her up a little bit but she deserves it, she's an amazing defender. 

"Yeah but it is also a lot of extra pressure, but anyway less about me, how was your first session?" she asks.

"Really good I think, I think me and Alessia link up well so hopefully I get some time on the pitch with her" I enthuse.

"Good, hey can I tell you something?" she asks me.

"Of course Leah you can tell me anything"

She leans in towards my ear and whispers "You look really hot when you train" and leaves a little kiss just below my ear. I feel myself going bright red. Just then Sarina calls over that our team are on now, saved for now.

"We'll continue this later" she whispers again as we run into position. Oh god what am I in for?

Skip to after training

I think it is safe to say my first training session could be counted as a success, I felt really confident in the forward training and our team won the 5v5 so nothing to complain about here. Me and G were just in our room relaxing a bit before dinner and meetings later on. 

"So you said you'd fill me in about last night so spill it" Georgia asks, damn it she hasn't forgotten about it.

"I told you G nothing happened, she walked me back here after the film and she came in just to talk for a bit and I fell asleep watching TikTok, I thought she would of left when I fell asleep, I didn't expect her to be here when I woke up to be honest." I smile reliving the night slightly in my head.

"Well she looked pretty comfy when I came in last night, you look good together I won't lie Y/nickname" G informs me bringing a smile to my face.

"Well let's not get my hopes up ey, it was just two friends falling asleep together after a long day nothing more", I hope that isn't the case, but I can't force anything, I came here for football and that is my main focus. 

"Friends who whisper and kiss each others necks at training yeah?" 

"WHAT YOU SAW THAT?" I shout slightly embarrassed. 

"I did but don't worry I won't say anything to anyone I promise" 

"Please don't, I'm not sure what she mean by it but she said 'We'll continue this later'" I tell Georgia. 

"Ooo that sounds interesting, but enough for now I'm so hungry please can we go get dinner I am starving, I might die if we don't eat soon" Georgia cries.

"Always the flair for the dramatics" I laugh as we get off the bed and head out the door heading towards the dining hall. The whole walk down all  I could think about was seeing Leah, my stomach was doing backflips as a mix of nerves and excitement filled me. 

There she is right on queue as we walk through the doors to the dining hall, calling me over to come sit at a table with her, Keira, Luce, Ellen, Ella and Alessia, I bring Georgia as well.

We spent two hours there just eating and talking about everything and anything. Leah kept looking at me I could feel it out of the corner of my eye, I'd look over every now and then at her and smirk just so she knows I know she is looking. The final time she did it I winked at her and watched as her face filled with red and then carried on my conversation with Alessia like nothing had happened. 

Just as we were all leaving I felt someone pull be back by the arm "wait here with me" I heard that familiar voice whisper in my ear sending shivers through my entire body. 

I hope I am writing the football content enough, it can be a little difficult. 

What do you think Leah wants to talk about?

I know I am progressing the story slow but there will be a few times skips in the next few chapters just to speed it up a bit and change the story.

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