Oh is that so?

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This chapter will contain smut so if you don't like that you might want to skip

This morning I woke up as Leah Williamson's girlfriend, I think that has quite a nice ring to it if I do say so myself. I woke up to my alarm at 6:30 as we having training today ahead of our next game against Northern Ireland (I know this isn't the correct order I just wanted to put in an extra game before the quarter finals sorry). As soon as I woke up Georgia came jumping into my bed wanting to know all the details about last night. "Alright G calm down and I will tell you". 

"Is this going to be a good ending or do I need to get ready to fight a bitch" she asked. 

"Oh trust me G it's a good ending" I smiled at her. She smiled at me ready to listen to what I had to say. 

"Okay so basically at the last game Leah told me that if I scored she had a surprise for me and obviously I scored in that game, so when we got back to the hotel she text me saying she would be taking me out. Skip to yesterday I went shopping with some of the girls to buy the new outfit you saw me getting into yesterday. She picked me up from the hotel room and took me out to the lobby where there was a really fancy car that took us to this amazing restaurant. I have never seen such a stunning place. We sat down and she told me I could order anything I wanted, we each got a starter and a main and shared a dessert. It was honestly so lovely to get away from everything and just spend some time together talking about anything and everything." I beamed at Georgia catching a breath. 

"So is that it? She took you on a date?" Georgia asked clearly expecting something more.

"If you'd let me finish, I was about to say. As we finished eating we had one more glass of wine each and this is when Leah gave me this really amazing speech about how she felt this connection to me and thought I would go really far and she wanted to be by my side throughout all of it. So yeah basically she asked me to be her GIRLFRIEND and I said YES" I shouted the last part in pure excitement. 

"OH MY GOD I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" Georgia screamed engulfing me into a massive hug. "I'm really happy for you, are you going to tell people or just let them find out?" 

"We haven't really discussed it but I know she wanted to tell Beth, I have no issue with people knowing I don't want to hide her away" I told Georgia.

"That's so sweet. Okay as happy as I am for you, please can we get ready and go get breakfast I am starving?" Georgia pleaded.

"Do you think about anything other than food?" I ask.

"No not really" she laughed getting up to get dressed. 

We got ready for breakfast and opened the door to head out and Leah was stood just outside looking as though she was about to knock. "Great minds think alike" I laughed kissing her cheek and grabbing her hand to head to breakfast.

"Morning little one, did you sleep well?" she asked me.

"The best thank you" I replied.

"Urgh do I have to put up with you two being all cute all the time" Georgia whined.

"Yep I'm afraid so G" I giggled pulling Leah closer to me and she let out a big grin as I did so. 

Me and Leah walked hand in hand into the food room and I bet you can imagine how that went down, we were bombarded by questions and spent all of breakfast answering questions and I couldn't stop smiling. I'm so happy with everything right now. 

Skip to training

Today was a short training as Sarina didn't want us to be tired out before the final group game, we needed to win this game to confirm our place in the quarter finals. So today we were just working on set pieces, including corners, short free kicks and long free kicks, as well as who would take them in regards to distance, right or left side and substitutions. 

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