This moment

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I'm sorry it's taken so long, but here it is. Hope you enjoy

"Mum! What are you doing here?" Leah exclaims in excitement, I see her eyes begin to fill with tears. 

"Y/N flew me out she wanted to surprise you" Amanda informs Leah. She turns to look at me, I can't read the expression her face. 

"You did this for me?" She asks, the tears still building in her eyes. 

"Of course I did, I know how much you've been saying you haven't seen your mum much this summer due to the Euros and everything that came with it, so I offered for her to stay here with us for the first week and then the second week we will have to ourselves. I hope that's okay?" I explain my plan to her. She comes running up to me engulfing me in the tightest hug.

"You're the best, what did I do to deserve you?" she asks.

"It should be me asking you that" I tell her. 

Amanda chooses this moment to announce that she is very tired and hungry from her flight, I apologise and let her take a seat so that we can order. We spend the rest of the dinner catching up with Amanda, telling her our perspective of the Euros and listening to hers. Its amazing to see the bond that Leah and her mum have, I have no regrets about bringing her to this holiday, it's exactly what she needs and I couldn't be happier for her right now. 

By the time we finish dinner it's around 10pm and Leah suggests we head to the beach nearest the hotel for a little walk before it's time to turn in for the night. "That's a brilliant idea" I tell her, taking her hand in mine. We get a quick cab to the beach and we spend about another 45 minutes just walking and talking, the conversation quickly switches to Leah and her childhood, other than being a child and having that natural energeticness to her, it seems as though Leah was just as driven as a child. Amanda was telling me how Leah has always been football mad and did everything she could as a child to get better and better. She would come home from a training and write down everything she could remember and then spend the night analysing it as best she could. I always new she was passionate but I never knew just how much.

We slowly made our way back up to the hotel as Amanda was starting to get extremely tired bless her. We get to the hotel and head to our rooms, it just then occurs to Leah she doesn't actually know where her mum is staying. "Wait mum are you staying in our room?" She enquires. 

"No darling don't be silly, I'm in the room next door, so keep the noise down please" she winks at us as she heads towards her room. 

"EW MUM NO" Leah whines as I drag her into our room. "Omg I'm so sorry about her" Leah apologises to me.

"Don't be silly Le, she's great, she's right though no funny business tonight" I tell her. Leah's face drops.

"None at all?" she pleads with her puppy dog eyes.

"Only time will tell my love" I tell her, "anyway i'm just gonna go take my makeup off and get changed and then we can get into bed yeah?"

"Yes please y/nickname" Leah smiles as I head off into the bathroom. When I return Leah is already tucked up in bed scrolling through tiktok.

"You started without me?!" I exclaim in pretend sadness.

"I'm sorry baby I couldn't wait, I left room for you though" she tells me as she lifts the duvet up and points to the spot in the bed next to her waiting for me. Say no more, I almost dive into the space next to her and cuddle into her chest. She pulls her phone out again. "Wait before we get comfy, have you had a good day? Was it the right decision to bring your mum on this holiday?" I say slightly panicked. 

Leah grabs my hands, "hey don't stress little one, it was absolutely the best decision you could have made, you know how much my mum means to me and to give up some of your holiday to have her here with us means more to me than you will ever know. Now I get to holiday with my two favourite people, in my favourite place, what more could a girl need?"

That's enough for me to here, I pull her in for a kiss, its slow but passionate, all our feelings coming out in that kiss, saying more than any words could, I'm falling for this girl hard and I know in this moment we are both truly happy. 

Her hands start to roam through my hair and down my back and to my hips, pulling me closer to her. I pull myself on top of her and straddle her waist, all the time not breaking this kiss. We pull apart for air, my hair falls in front of my face, Leah lifts her hand to tuck it behind my ear. "I love you Y/N ". I melt into her words and her touch. 'I love you too Leah more than you'll ever know". 

And with that I fall back into the space next to her and cuddle into her chest. We watch tiktok for around 20 minutes before we fall asleep peacefully needing nothing more in this moment. 

I know it was a fairly short chapter but I just wanted to get used to writing again. The next chapter will include the first week of the holiday so hopefully will have more bulk to it. 

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