The First Night

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Sorry for the slow updates, just started a new job, I will try get out one a day at least. And don't worry this chapter will have Leah content :)

Everyone looks my way and I just know my face has gone bright red from embarrassment. "Don't worry we'll introduce you to everyone, they're a lovely bunch I promise" Keira whispers in my ear. I take this moment to just look around the room and compose myself, that is until I see here of course. Leah... I knew she would be here but my god I forgot how beautiful she is. 

Keira and Lucy drag me away so I avert my attention away from the gorgeous blonde in the corder. I'm first introduced to the 'oldies' of the squad, Ellen White and Jill Scott, also that is what Lucy called them not me. Of course I knew them, Ellen had been an idol of mine for as long as I could remember, and of course we play together at City, Jill had been on loan all season so I haven't seen them in a while. 

After catching up with Jill and Ellen, Lucy directs me over to Ella, Alessia and Mary, the United girls as they introduced themselves as. I had briefly met them all at the last match but it was nice to have a formal introduction and get to chat to talk to them properly. I learnt that Ella is absolutely hilarious and I can see us getting on really well.

After about half an hour I had been introduced to everyone and I felt far more relaxed than when I first entered the room, there was just a certain blonde I hadn't spoken to yet. As I went to go grab myself a bottle of water I felt a tap on my shoulder, as I turned around I instantly blushed.

"So you made it here in one piece then shorty?" Leah giggles. 

"It seems as though I have doesn't it" I banter back.

"Well I am really glad you're here, I've been looking forward to seeing you again" Lead admits slightly blushing as she does. God this woman, she has this hold on me already I can tell, this should be fun. 

"Look don't tell the girls but we have a night off tonight to get settled in before training tomorrow, would you maybe want to come watch a film with me later tonight? I'm sharing a room with Mary I don't think she'll mind." She asks me barely managing to make eye contact. 

"I'd love to, shall we make it a group thing, ask some of the other girls? I think it could be a good way to bond, I don't know many people here yet." I state. 

"Oh yeah of course, that's fine I guess" she replies almost dryly. I don't know why but she seemed sad all of a sudden. 

"Y/N are you coming? We're going to explore the park" Georgia shouts at me. "Yeah coming G two secs" I reply back.

"Well I better going" I turn back to say to Leah "but I'll see you at the film later though yeah? You'll save me a good seat?" I ask.

"Anything for you shorty." Leah responds with a slight smirk on her face.

"See you later then" I saw with a massive grin as I turn away and head towards G. 

"What's got you all happy?" She pries. 

"Hmm I don't know, maybe that we are at the ENGLAND CAMP" I scream, not letting on the real reason. That blonde I can feel staring me down as I walk away from her with my back turned. I steal a quick glance over my shoulder and she winks at me. Great now I'm blushing. Tonight should be interesting. 

Skip to the evening

After exploring Saint Georges Park me and Georgia headed back to our rooms to relax for a little before getting ready for the film tonight. There is a little group of us going including Georgia, Keira, Lucy, Lauren, Alessia, Ella and of course Leah. I decided to wear some comfy City shorts and a nike jumper, with some crocs, always fashion forward. 

At 8pm me and Georgia left out room to head down to the room we will be using for the film. We are the last to arrive and we receive some looks for this. "Don't look at me it was G that made us late, changing her outfit a million times" I claim.

"Don't worry just get in here I saved you a seat back here with me" Leah tells me with a grin on her face. Georgia gives me a playful nod as I head over to Leah while she goes to sit with Lauren.

Lucy announces we are watching a horror film and I groan because I hate horror films and she knows it. "What's up little one" Leah whispers to me, "are you scared?"

"What no of course I'm not" I lie.

"Sure you're not, don't worry I'm here to protect you" she says with a grin, placing her hand on my arm. I shiver at her touch, she's so gentle. She smirks when she sees my reaction.

Lucy starts the film and I do my best to concentrate on it but its hard when I can see Leah staring at me the whole time, I quickly look her way and whisper "take a picture it will last longer", she blushes at looks at the screen. Not two minutes later she's staring right at me again. 

This film is way to scary for me, I keep jumping at the slightest noise, and when the big jump scare comes I think I physically jump out of my seat. Leah asks me if I am okay I nod, she isn't convinced. I feel her pull me back towards her, I nestle into her shoulder, it's weird how natural this feels, I can't help but grin. As the film goes on I feel my eyes growing heavy and I'm struggling to stay awake. I announce to everyone I'm heading to bed and to enjoy the rest of the night. 

As I stand to go I feel Leah get up with me and follow me out. "What are you doing?" I ask, "go and enjoy the rest of the film"

"What and leave you to walk to the room by yourself? What about all the scary things that could jump out at you?" She teases. I hit her arm playfully "not funny" I glare at her.

She walks me up to my room, I ask her if she wants to come in and talk for a little, I know I am tired I just don't want to leave her yet I don't know why. She politely agrees and steps inside. We sit on my bed and chat and watch stupid tiktoks, that's the last I remember until I'm woken to my alarm at 7am the next day.

Leah's POV

I took Y/N to her room and was really quite happy when she asked me to come in for a while. It felt so natural laying there with her just laughing and watching silly videos. All of a sudden Y/N is quiet and her breathing more heavy, omg she has fallen asleep bless her. I can't leave now when she is curled up on me, not like I am complaining. I make the decision to stay with her and I'll leave in the morning before training hoping no one will notice.

A few hours later I hear the door go and Georgia walks in, she gives me a quizzical looks I whisper "she fell asleep I didn't want to wake her, I can leave if it's a problem?"

"No not at all she looks so peaceful leave her, good night Leah" Georgia responds.

"Night Georgia, sleep well" I reply.

I cuddle back into Y/N and fall asleep as content as ever. I could get used to this

I hope this was a decent chapter, I know I haven't added much of Leah but she will be so frequent now. If you have any feedback it would be much appreciated thank you. 

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