Greece Week 1

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Day 1

I can tell you one thing, waking up to the sun in Greece with your beautiful girlfriend by your side is one of the best feelings in the entire world. Actually no, scratch that, it is the best feeling in the world. I woke up naturally to the sun in the room and turned over to face Leah. Her skin glowing in the natural sun light of the room. Her eyes flicker as she dreams peacefully. I climb out of the bed as quietly as possible not wanting to wake the beauty next to me. 

I head towards the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth before heading down to the lobby of the hotel. I check the clock before leaving its 9:07 perfect time to order me and Leah some breakfast. I head into the dining area where the breakfast buffet is served each day for members of the hotel. I grab a tray and place two plates on it, one for me and one for Leah. I'm happy that this hotel lets you take food back to your rooms otherwise this plan wouldn't quite work out how I want it to. 

After making my way down the buffet selection filling both plates with mine and Leah's favourites, I head to the drinks section and grab both of us a glass of apple juice, no better drink in a morning than that if you ask me. With the tray full loaded with goods I head back to the lobby and take the lift up to our room, really don't want to risk dropping this tray all over the stairs. I balance the tray in my right hand as I attempt to open the door with my right, not an easy feat may I add. 

I get into the room and see Leah still peacefully asleep. I tiptoe up to the bed and place the tray on the bedside table. I climb back into the bed and cuddle Leah giving her kisses on her forehead in an attempt to wake her up. And thankfully it does, any other way would have put her in a bad mood, Leah is not a morning person I'll tell you that. 

"Morning my love" Leah whispers in her sultry morning voice instantly sending shivers throughout my whole body. 

"Sleep well did you?" I taunt as the blonde slowly wakes from her deep sleep. 

"I did, what time is it and do I smell food?" she quizzes me.

"Phaha its 9:30 and yes I brought you up some breakfast from the buffet, you hungry?" I ask giving a quick kiss on her forehead. 

"Always, what did you get?" I hand over her plate of food and her face lights up in delight. We eat breakfast and discuss what we want to do for the day. Leah texts Amanda to see if she is awake and to confirm any plans that we made for the day. We decided the best course of action was to head through the local town and down to the beach, just a chill day to start the holiday, so that is what we did. 

We got dressed and headed to Amandas room before we went down to the front of the hotel and found a leaflet full of information on the town and the best places to see. Yes we looked like tourists with our faces stuck in leaflets but we did not care. We first stopped of at a cute rustic cafe to grab ourselves some smoothies to keep ourselves hydrated in the heat, me and Leah had mango and passionfruit and Amanda went for a berry mix. Drinks in hand we got our maps out again and made our way towards the nearest beach. 

We arrived after a lovely 20 minute walk and the views were incredible, the ocean was so blue and the sand looked so clean. There were people there but not so many that it was crowded, there were some families with kids building castles in the sand, some couples sun bathing and many people swimming in the fresh sea. 

We chose a spot nearer the end of the beach where there were fewer people, we laid our towels down and set our bags on the corners so keep them in place. We decided a few chill hours on the beach was just what we needed. So that is exactly what we did, we talked for a few hours about anything and everything, mostly more stories about Leah growing up, much to Leah's embarrassment, but I couldn't hear enough the more I know about her the more I fall for her. We stayed at the beach for about three hours just talking, sunbathing and a little swimming, feeling quite tired and hungry we decided it was probably time to head back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. 

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