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Blue Mountains

Late-September 2958

It was raining. It made the halls in the Blue Mountains feel cold, damp, and borderline claustrophobic; even to Fíli who had been raised in similar dwellings.

"And this is the Great Receiving Hall-" Fíli tried to concentrate on their guide, a middle-aged dwarrowdam named Dagní. She was very beautiful by dwarrow standards, with a full chocolate brown beard that she had plaited skillfully. No doubt her kin hoped that she could finally attract the eye of the esteemed Crown Prince.

It wasn't exactly that Fíli found her unattractive, rather Dagní didn't spark interest in him. He'd seen both Thorin and Kíli fall for women who challenged them as much as they loved them, and that was what Fíli wanted. He craved an equal and all of the dwarrowdams paraded past him were merely there in service of their families; they would never challenge him, never defy him. He didn't want that in a life partner. He wanted his One, wherever she, or he, might be.

"It's like we've never seen the Blue Mountains before." Dís grumbled under her breath, and Fíli was glad for the thick beard that he had finally grown because it hid the smile that he couldn't stop in time.

"Amad," he warned equally softly and Dís shot him a glare while Dagní fixed the two royals with a hopeful smile. Fíli forced himself to smile back at her. She beamed, but continued to apparently wait for some response.

"I am actually feeling a little under the weather, so I'm afraid that will have to wait for another day, Fíli, will you escort me back to our rooms?" Dís said politely, though Fíli registered the disappointment in the dwarrowdam's face.

"Of course. Please, don't hesitate to call on me, your highnesses should you feel better and wish to finish the tour." Dagní dipped a low curtsy and while Dís nodded and then took Fíli's arm, pulling him away.

"That was not courteous." Fíli warned Dís, leaning in closer to his mother as they walked, so that none of the eagerly-listening ears could overhear their conversation.

"It was not discourteous either." Dís returned and Fíli smiled; trust his Amad to answer like a true Princess. It was during such times that Fíli wondered why the dwarrow didn't simply elect Dís as their queen because she certainly had a better way with words than either he or Thorin.

"So, why did you really insist on leaving?" Fíli asked as the doors closed behind them in their private rooms.

"Ábria, fetch us some tea?" Dís demanded, and Fíli watched as his mother's maid left the room.

"What's going on?" he demanded. Dís had always been careful, but she'd never been quite so sharp with Ábria. "And, while we're at it, don't think I haven't noticed that Dwalin's been missing all day. Do you know where he's gone?" Dís fixed him with a glare, waiting until Ábria's footsteps had faded from hearing.

"Ábria is the niece of the Lord Ímundur, I was not informed of the gravity of the situation here, you can understand why then I am less trustful of her." Dís finally spoke and Fíli nodded. He had never really given much consideration to Dís's handmaiden. She was pretty and quiet, the perfect lady's maid because she was so invisibly present.

"And do you believe that she is actively betraying us?" Fíli asked solemnly.

"I am afraid I don't know." Fíli frowned as he watched Dís take a seat. She never looked tired, her back was always unbowed, but clearly the issues in the Blue Mountains were weighing more heavily on her than even Fíli realized.

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