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The Last Homely House, Imladris

Early October

When Bilba woke she was in a comfortable bed in an open and airy room. It did not take her long to recognize her surroundings. The room had been hers during her previous visit; for almost a month, Bilba had felt too dejected to leave her bed.

"I am glad to see that you're awake." Bilba recognized the voice that spoke as well. This was the third time that she'd met the esteemed Lord Elrond, but she was no less stunned by his aura.

"Thank you, my lord, for the aid that you have once more given to me." Bilba remembered her manners, still feeling slightly chagrined while in his presence. Bilba hadn't been a part of the havoc that the Company had wreaked during their visit but, they were her friends.

"It was yet again my pleasure to help you, Bilba, elf-friend." the Lord replied, and Bilba felt a warm flush of embarrassment wash over her. She had done little, in her opinion, to warrant the title 'elf-friend,' yet Lord Elrond insisted on it. Bilba respected him enough not to fight after he had asked her not to, but it still felt odd.

"What day is it? My daughter, Raven, I need to get home to her." Bilba insisted, struggling amidst the sea of fluffy pillows and soft blankets.

"Rest easy, daughter of Belladonna, Raven is well-attended. I have sent my own sons to protect her and ensure that she wants for nothing until you are strong enough to return to her." Lord Elrond rested a hand on Bilba's uninjured shoulder, easing her back against the pillows. "For now, rest and recover, it is the best thing that you can do for both your daughter and yourself."

"I feel better, really, my lord. You've worked your magic once more, and I do not need more rest. I can begin my journey home-" Bilba tried to protest.

"I am afraid, Bilba, your wounds are more severe than you believe. It has been nigh on a fortnight since you were wounded. It took your companions a week, traveling as fast as they could, to get you here. After that, it took me a full day to cleanse your blood of the poison. You have slept for another week, healing. Still, you will require a few more weeks of healing before you will be strong enough to begin your journey." Bilba scowled at the elf's pronouncement.

"I am sure that if I took my time, I could begin the journey-" she began once more to protest. Lord Elrond smiled in what Bilba thought was supposed to be a soothing manner, and she knew she had failed.

"My sons will allow no harm to come to Raven. Indeed, I believe that she will have even more protection by the time that you return to her." he announced cryptically before turning towards the door. "I have other business to attend to now that you are awake. We will talk about other matters later and, until I can check on you again, I will leave you with a friend. I expect that you will not overstrain yourself and, if you think I won't know Bilba Baggins, then I assure you that I will." Bilba nodded ruefully. It was true, the Lord Elrond always seemed to know everything that was happening in the valley. As he departed from the room, Bilba's mind flashed briefly towards the mention of 'other matters'. What, she wondered, did he mean? Then, the entrance of a tall young man with dark hair and grey eyes distracted her.

"Estel!" she exclaimed. She remembered hearing his voice and seeing him before she had passed out from the pain and poison of her wound. That encounter aside, however, it had been a long time since they had seen each other. "Please, come in, come in!" she invited cordially.

The first time she met Estel, he had been a boy of eleven, who watched the dwarrow with wide-eyes from the shadows. When she had next seen him on her way back to the Shire, she had become friends with the young boy. He had sat at her side, demanding stories of far away and asking about hobbit culture. When she had taken her leave and returned to the Shire he had cried at their parting. Both had promised that they would meet again. In spite of her promise, Bilba had been surprised to find a grown Estel on her Buckland doorstep one day. Raven had been nine then, and Estel, who had recently come of age, had taken it upon himself to visit her. She had been overjoyed to see her friend again. Elladan and Elrohir had always visited Bilba, beginning before Raven was a year old. Still, Bilba had few visitors and found herself looking forward to each visit. Since his first appearance, he had taken it upon himself to visit her at least once a year. Sometimes coming more often, when he could spare the time. Looking at him now, she realized it had been almost a year, since she had last seen him. With each visit too she was coming to realize that, in place of the innocent boy, was an experienced Ranger.

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