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Bag End, Hobbiton

13 January 2959

Kíli hated feeling trapped– but that was exactly what he was. Trapped. He could hear his mother's voice floating back from the hallway. Unfortunately, however, he couldn't quite make out what she was saying– nor whom she was addressing. At his side, Tauriel's lips twitched as she listened in. His question about who had inspired his mother's ire died on his lips as he paused, watching her. Kíli found himself smiling as Tauriel tried– and failed– to hide her own amusement. Things did not always go smoothly between her and his Amad. Still, Kíli knew that they were both trying in their own ways and, he loved them both for it. Relief swept through Kíli as he focused on his beautiful wife. For a time, he had feared that he would never see her again; that he would never meet their child. She glanced in his direction and her pointed ears flushed. For some reason, that he couldn't fathom, she often felt self conscious when he was watching her; or so she claimed. He had no idea why she would ever feel that way– especially since it was he who was aging. He dropped her gaze, and a moment later the bed sank and she gently took one of his bandaged hands in hers.

"You are as beautiful to me as the day we first met, nín hervenn." she smiled at him and he felt himself respond to it. He loved the way that she read him. Of course, it made it impossible to keep any secrets– even the good kind. Still, if he was being honest, he knew it made their relationship stronger.

"Not nearly as beautiful as you." he heard himself reply; as he always did. She laughed softly, bringing his hand to her lips.

"I feared I wouldn't hear those words again." he moved slightly, ignoring the flare of pain that even adjusting his arm caused.

"It would take more than a few upset dwarrow to take me from you," he promised, though they both knew it wasn't true.

To his alarm, however, she burst into tears. He scrambled to sit up, and it was a sure sign of her distress that she didn't try to stop him. Everything in Kíli's body hurt, but he reached out– hugging his elf to him. The feeling of her in his arms didn't quite make the pain vanish, but it certainly made it feel worth it. She held him too, a little tighter than was strictly comfortable, but for her he would do anything.

"I'm sorry," she apologized when she had finally contained her emotions and sat up to look at him. "You must be in pain," she added. Immediately, she set her own emotions aside, fretting over the potential damage to him.

"Don't," he threatened, trying to sound intimidating in spite of the fact that he felt about ready to topple over. "What can I do?" he insisted and she smiled gratefully at him.

"You can heal," she offered, but he continued to glare until she gave in. "I think it's the baby," she admitted, and he felt icy fear spread through him before she finished her sentence. "Being pregnant, I mean. It's just– I've just been so emotional." she sounded so miserable, and it was so unlike her that he had to bite his lip to stop from laughing.

"So you think that the pregnancy makes you more emotional?" he asked, fighting to keep control of his own emotions.

"Yes," she nodded, ducking her head so he couldn't see her face. He reached out, cupping her chin and making her meet his gaze.

"Need I list all the reasons I love your pregnancy?" he asked with exaggerated annoyance, and was rewarded with a rueful smile.

"I know," she admitted. "But, I still, well, I said some things to your mother. I was so worried that Bilba made me leave the smial! Now though, I have cried so much that you're sitting up when you're not supposed to be." her misery returned. He could feel it.

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