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Buckland, by the Old Forest

1 November 2958

It didn't surprise Fíli when Raven appeared in his bed that night. She crept into the strip of cot beside him and sleepily he wrapped his blankets around her. In spite of Thorin's plans for the future and his connection with Raven the hut had felt subdued. Kíli and Tauriel were sleeping elsewhere, his brother still upset with him and Thorin. Dís glared at the two of them, obviously unhappy about the fighting. As Raven settled against Fíli she stirred in her bed. No doubt the draft of cold November night air had woken her. Raven had been fast, opening the door only wide enough to slip in, but they were all light sleepers.

Although it was almost pitch black inside their shelter Fíli's keen eyes picked up on his Amad's indulgent smile. Since he and Kíli had grown up, Fíli had long suspected that she missed mothering them. Seeing her around Raven confirmed his suspicions. Fíli was curious, however, how she'd deal with having a half-elven grandchild. After all, seeing how close Kíli and Tauriel were, it could only be a matter of time. From his bed, Thorin also rose, looking for the source of the disturbance. Fíli caught the sight of a knife in Thorin's hand; he was always prepared for the worst. The huts were sturdy, but there were a few gaps in the planks that let in light from the full moon. One such ray hit the steel before Thorin could sheathe the blade. Dís frowned and Fíli could see the shock that crossed his uncle's face as he realized what had happened. The blade disappeared though Thorin's gaze didn't leave Fíli's bed. Their hut wasn't exactly close to the smial, and for Raven to show up in the middle of the night was surprising. At least, for Thorin. After all, dwarrow rarely sought comfort with each other. He and Kíli had been strangely close and a nearly unheard of case. For Raven crawl into bed with him at her age and considering how short a time they'd known each other. It was a show of loyalty that obviously touched Thorin. Meeting Thorin's gaze, Fíli wrapped a protective arm around Raven's form. Thorin, who had opened his mouth, likely to protest her presence stopped. Instead, with a sigh, Thorin settled back in his bedroll. In the dark quiet cabin, however, Fíli could see the faint moon light reflected in his uncle's gaze as he stared at them.

"This isn't the first time?" Thorin had asked softly, when Raven's breathing evened out once more.

"No." Fíli replied softly.

"She comes often?" Thorin pressed.

"Yes." Fíli acknowledged.

"Bilba knows?"


"Why does she come?" Fíli stiffened at Thorin's question.

"She has shared a bed with Bilba all of her life. The smial really only has one room. When Bilba was missing she took to Fíli for comfort. Since Bilba's been back she's been split." It was Dís who had replied.

"But why?" Thorin asked.

"Because Ma has bad dreams, and doesn't want to wake me up. She knows I can come here now, that I'll be safe, so if she has a bad dream then I slip out here. That way when she doesn't go back to sleep she won't feel bad about keeping me up." Fíli froze at Raven's voice. He had also thought that she was asleep. He supposed though that if she always shared a bed with Bilba then she'd be good at faking sleep.

"Bad dreams?" Thorin asked, and Fíli felt Raven shrug, even though the others couldn't see her, buried as she was in Fíli's bedding.

"Sometimes." Raven hesitated, and Fíli reached out, running a gentle hand through her hair. "She wouldn't want me to say." Raven whispered.

"We don't want to know to embarrass her, Raven. We want to know because war can be atrocious. We've all had nightmares, we know how difficult they can be. We also know that you can't heal by keeping it to yourself." Thorin said, while Fíli fought a shudder at the memory of his own night terrors.

Raven:  An Unexpected AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now