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Bag End, Hobbiton

12 January 2959

Dís followed the crowd towards her niece's bedroom. If Raven has been taken as well– she didn't want to think about the repercussions. Glancing towards her brother, she saw that his face had gone pale. He was still only half-dressed. Under other circumstances she would have ridiculed him for breaking the courting rituals. Now, all she could think about was her family. Her youngest son was missing. Her eldest son's One was missing. And, now, her innocent little niece might be missing as well.

"She's here!" Dwalin announced and Dís felt a wave of relief course through her. Thorin and Bilba dashed into their daughter's room, obviously desperate to check on her in person. Dís approached as well, but hung back, meeting her eldest son's wide-eyed gaze.

"Inùdoy," she murmured, stepping closer.

"I need to go, I need to find them." Fíli insisted and she reached out, cupping his face with one palm.

"I know, and I'll do what I can to help you, but first we need to organize." she ordered and saw him immediately reject her directive.

"Amad," he protested but she hardened her gaze.

"I know." she ground out, and he seemed to shrink in her grasp. She pulled him to her. Over his head, she glared at the rest of the Company– should they feel the need to say anything, as she held her eldest son. She had comforted him like this before. During the first days after her arrival in Erebor in particular. Then, they fought to get the kingdom on its feet and things had been hard.

"Organize? Each moment that we delay they are getting further and further away. We must leave at once! At least I will, if you are too cowardly to come!" Dís's head snapped up and she glared at her red-haired daughter in law.

"You," she narrowed her gaze, "will do no such thing." Dís released Fíli as she headed in the elf's direction. "In fact, we're going to have a little chat, you and me." Tauriel glared down at her.

"You are wasting my time. I thought you most of all would want me to be tracking your son." Tauriel's tone was positively glacial as she condemned Dís's choice.

"We can speak here in front of everyone or we can go and speak in private, which I promise you will prefer. The choice is yours." Dís straightened her spine, unwilling to cave in the face of the elf's accusation.

"Go." Tauriel's head snapped over to where Dwalin glared at the two of them. "The lads are in trouble and we're not going anywhere until she's had it out, so just go and let her do her thing." Tauriel still looked ready to protest, but at Dwalin's insistence, she fell silent and nodded. Dís wasn't sure when Tauriel and Dwalin had made their connection. Nevertheless, it was clear that the elf respected Dwalin's opinion. Dís took that as all the permission she needed and headed down the hallway towards Bilba's study. Behind her, she could hear the elf's light steps.

Dís directed Tauriel inside and closed the door. When she turned to face the elf, Tauriel had, predictably, crossed her arms and was glaring down at Dís.

"We need to talk about your behavior." A spark of surprise flashed through Tauriel's gaze.

"My behavior?" her tone was disdainful as she raised a slender eyebrow in pointed emphasis.

"Yes. Your behavior." Dís glared, planting her hands on her hips. "Sit." she ordered. Tauriel obviously considered disobeying, but finally sat on the far-too-small desk chair. To Dís's private annoyance, she still managed to make the gesture look elegant. Elvish grace, Dís disparaged.

Raven:  An Unexpected AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now