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Buckland, by the Old Forest

5 November 2958

When Bilba first discovered Thorin's departure, she was both angry and disappointed. It hadn't taken long for her to learn that Fíli had also gone with him. Apparently, they were still discussing the future of the hobbit prisoners. Bilba was suspicious and weary of the topic. She hated what they'd done to Raven, but she wished nevertheless that the matter could simply be over with. After hearing about their departures, however, she'd been more focused on Raven's reaction.

After her disastrous encounter with Thorin, drove Raven off she'd been undeniably worried. Raven, however, had returned swathed in his coat, a smile on her face. Bilba had then feared that her daughter would take Thorin and Fíli's combined disappearance hard. To her surprise, Raven had simply shrugged.

"I know they're gone, I saw them off this morning, Ma." Raven had responded. She proceeded to spend her time playing with Bombur's sons or listening to the Company's stories. It was good to see her playing with other children. She really hadn't had the opportunity before. Still, her behavior made Bilba at least a little suspicious. Then, her excitement when they'd spotted the two riding back had been another dead giveaway. Raven had rushed off, and Bilba had steeled herself to try to approach Thorin again. Before she gathered her courage, Dís had hauled him and Fíli off. Bilba couldn't begrudge the dwarrowdam, the Durins clearly needed to speak.

As it was, Bilba watched from inside the smial; waiting for any of the Durins to reappear. She was alone as she paced. Raven was outside with Dwalin, hovering closer to the hut. Primula on the other hand was over at the main camp fire. She had some knitting with her and was no doubt explaining more of hobbit culture to a rather full audience.

Since arriving, the Company had been particularly interested in learning hobbit culture. They had never talked much about it while on the Quest. Bilba had been busy training, learning about her companions and dwarrow culture. She found, however, that it was a difficult discussion to have now. After all, she had completely disregarded essentially every hobbit tradition on their journey.

As she waited for the Durins, she remembered one such conversation. The Company had all been surprised at the amount of food that Bilba and Primula presented. Supplies weren't short anymore, so Bilba was determined to feed everyone properly. Or, as properly befit guests of hobbits.

"You can't eat like this every day!" Bofur had laughed, patting his belly one day after tea. Primula and Bilba had begun discussions of dinner, and everyone was still full.

"We're only having five meals a day!" Primula had laughed without thinking. It was true, they only put out breakfast, elevensies, luncheon, tea, and dinner. For the sake of time, since there were so many dwarrow, they had skipped second breakfast and supper. Primula and Bilba were used to doing without, and even Raven was still adjusting to eating so much.

"How many do you usually have?" Ori had asked curiously, his journal and quill always ready.

"Well, hobbits typically like seven." Bilba had admitted, feeling a blush rise as the Company had all stared at her.

"But you didn't eat that much on the quest." Dori had pointed out.

"Well, we were rationing and traveling." Bilba tried to shrug it off.

"But if you usually ate seven meals, weren't you hungry, Lass?" Balin frowned.

"We all tightened our belts." Bilba tried again to dismiss the subject. She remembered though the first few weeks of near-constant hunger.

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