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Outskirts of Hobbiton

22 November 2958

Sometimes Dís wondered how Thorin had succeeded in retaking Erebor. Watching Bofur dance around the campfire, she found herself torn between exasperation and humor. Her sons and Gimli followed the spectacle's key performer. As the rest of the Company laughed and clapped, Dís smiled as well. She hadn't seen her boys acting this freely in a while. Even around Raven, although they were undeniably happy they hadn't been boyish. They would protect Raven and Bilba, and that was in and of itself a weighty expectation. Still, as the quartet rolled perilously close to the flames Dís could only wonder what disaster was to come.

They had left Tucksborough on the morning of the 19th. It wasn't an unpleasant journey either, their saddlebags stuffed with supplies. A fair number of curious hobbits had trailed after them at first too. Luckily, they had taken leave of their escort when they stopped for elevensies. It had been a mere hour into the trip and luckily Bilba and Raven both said that they weren't hungry. Dís had to admit that cantering off felt freeing. The beautiful late fall weather and her own need to be active only enhanced her satisfaction. The hobbits had been a friendly group, still it was odd to her that Bilba had accepted her kin back so quickly. Indeed, it was almost as though nothing had happened, but out of respect for the hobbit, Dís hadn't dared to say anything. If only I'd done my own due diligence. If only I had thought to check if Bilba was alive. I would have made Thorin come a lot sooner, Dís mourned. Life would have been much more different, much better I think for everyone involved.

Thinking of Bilba, Dís looked around the camp and noticed that Bilba and Raven were both missing. She frowned slightly, but catching Dwalin's gaze, he nodded slightly towards a stand of trees. Peering into the darkness, and cursing her aging eye sight, Dís was just able to make out two shadows seated side by side. Apparently, Bilba and Raven were having a private conversation. Dwalin and the others wouldn't intrude, but they would always keep an eye on both females. While Bofur collapsed, tackled by the three younger dwarrow, Thorin moved towards Dís. A few of the Company looked over, but he waved at them to continue, and her sons were only too happy to keep carousing.

"I've missed seeing them like this." Dís said without preamble as her brother settled beside her.

"I have as well." Thorin agreed while Fíli and Kíli's laughter rang through the clearing. "I'm sorry, Dís, for what I've put you through." Thorin said suddenly. For a moment she stiffened, looking over to her brother before she nodded once.

"Are you back then?" she asked, glancing in his direction. He looked at her, his gaze meeting hers as he nodded ever so slightly.

"I hope so." he said and she pivoted closer to him. He wrapped an arm around her and she smiled. They had sat like this so many times in Ered Luin, but never recently. Dís turned into his embrace so that they could gently knock their heads together. They could be a formidable team when they worked together. Since the boys had come of age, however, those occurrences had become far too infrequent.

"Do better for Raven." Dís ordered and Thorin nodded. She knew that it was hard for Thorin, but though she could stand on her own, Dís wasn't sure about Raven's strength. Nor, in all honesty, did she want to test her niece's fortitude.

"I'll do better by both of them. Bilba's agreed to allow me to court her, and I don't intend to ruin that chance. You know I've always seen Fíli and Kíli as my own boys," Thorin trailed off, and Dís placed a hand over her brother's.

"But I know you always wanted your own children too." Dís said gently, and Thorin smiled almost shyly back. "We've always wanted you to be happy, to have the chance to have a family of your own." she assured him.

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