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Buckland, by the Old Forest

Early November 2958

Bilba had never considered herself over aware of her appearance. After all, as a child, she had traipsed across the countryside; returning home caked in mud. Her parents had worried then that she'd never make a good match. Then, when she was barely of age Gandalf had appeared. Truth be told, she hadn't thought once about cutting her prized hair or dressing in her father's old clothes. She'd realized that she had the chance of a lifetime, and known that becoming Bilbo Baggins was the way to get it.

Staring at Thorin in her yard, however, Bilba couldn't help but think about how handsome he still looked. In comparison, she was thin, and aged more than she should have. Of course, by hobbit standards, she wasn't exactly young anymore either. She was a mother and a middle-aged hobbit, not a beautiful you lass for a King in Exile to sweep off of her feet. Bilba glanced at Raven. There was so much of Thorin in her daughter. Seeing him now, once again before her, Bilba realized she'd always been lying to herself. She had never forgotten him, no, she still cared for him as much as she didn't want to.

Fíli emerged from the camp, going with Dís, and Dwalin going to greet the newcomers. Kíli and Tauriel also appeared, and Bilba watched with no small sadness as the youngest Durin avoided his uncle. Clearly, she reflected, that will have to be remedied. Then, she shook herself, what are you thinking with you're meddling? You know what happened last time, Bilba sighed. As much as she might think at any fleeting moment that things were the same, they couldn't ever return to that again.

"Ma?" Raven asked softly, and Bilba started back to the present, looking down at her daughter. "Are we going to go down?" she asked softly.

"I suppose we ought to." Bilba nodded and Raven gave her an encouraging smile.

"Primula, aren't you coming?" Raven hesitated when the hobbit failed to leave the smial.

"I think you ought to go and greet them first." Primula replied and though Raven frowned, Bilba wrapped an arm around her daughter.

She glanced back at Primula and saw both determination and sadness in the other hobbit's gaze. If they left the Shire, Primula wouldn't be coming with them. She was too much in love with the Shire in spite of what it had done to Bilba and Raven. Primula could still return to her old life, her ties to her family were still strong. Bilba didn't begrudge the hobbit. She knew that, if asked, Primula would always fight for her and Raven. So long as they were not brought up then the hobbit could easily slip back into her old life. Demanding that she give up her future would be too much, Bilba understood that.

With her hand in Raven's, they exited the smial, walking towards the edge of the camp. She knew the moment that the Company spotted them, the moment that they spotted Raven.

"Ma," Raven whispered, and Bilba stopped, looking over at her.

"They're going to be very excited to meet you." Bilba promised.

"Can you go first?" Raven asked softly and Bilba smiled.

"Of course I can. Why don't you go and see Fíli first while I greet some old friends?" Bilba suggested, and Raven nodded before looking back down at the group.

Before seeing the Company, Bilba had promised herself that she would stay strong and wary. It all crumbled as she looked down at them in person. In spite of everything that they had done, they were still her friends. The best family, Bilba had to admit, that I ever had, except for Raven. Looking down at them, Bilba knew that they were still her friends. Even having them here on her farm made her feel safer, as though she could take on the world.

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