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Buckland, by the Old Forest

Early November 2958

Raven had missed Bilba. Selfishly, she enjoyed sitting in their smial alone with her. Raven liked the idea of forgetting the rest of the world. At least, that was until she heard the commotion outside and curiosity had gotten the better of her. She stood when she heard the argument grow louder, but Bilba had placed a placating hand on her shoulder.

"Stay here." Bilba instructed. Raven glared, but she stayed seated when Bilba had exited the smial.

"Stop! This is my home, and I will have peace. Weapons down. All of you! My daughter is in that smial, and she happens to care for everyone here. I'm not going to be the one to explain to her why any of you got hurt. Neither, do I want any of you to have to break that news to her either." Raven crept towards the door as Bilba's voice reached them. She glanced at Primula with wide begging eyes and although her aunt rolled her eyes, she allowed it. Clearly, they were both intrigued.

In the yard, Bilba stood between Dís and Legolas. Her aunt had Dwalin, Fíli, and the rest of the dwarrow at her back. Across from her, Legolas had the twin sons of Elrond and Estel at his side. They all looked chastened by Bilba's words but, their weapons remained unsheathed. Raven exchanged a worried glance with her aunt. When she drew back from the window without argument, she knew that Primula was in agreement. There was nothing like preventing conflict to spur Primula to action.

"Ma, Aunt Primula wants to know about dinner preparations-" Raven threw the door of the smial open and then froze, pretending to be surprised by the scene in front of her.

"Nothing like food to settle nerves, you're quite right. What do we have to make for dinner?" Bilba said with false cheeriness. "Raven, will you and our newest guests put some tables together for dinner? Fíli, you said that your dwarrow had gone hunting, will you see to the preparation of some meat?" Everyone hurried to obey Bilba's orders. Raven found herself leading the Elvish party towards the eating area. The tables were already assembled, so there wasn't much to do. Raven and the elves cleaned the surfaces and set them with plates and cutlery. It was clear, however, that Bilba's purpose was to use Raven to keep the parties from fighting. They would be on their best behavior with her present, and Bilba was clearly counting on just that. A small smile spread across her lips, she loved how creative Bilba could be.

"Estel, Legolas, it's been too long. You didn't come, nor did the Rangers, in the summer." Raven looked up at her friend, and beamed. She had not seen either of them in months, and she had missed having them around and hearing their stories.

"We wanted to come, but things haven't been peaceful." Estel apologized.

"You mean the orcs and wargs?" Raven asked, and he paused.

"Yes." he finally acknowledged. "Your Ma told us you'd had more problems with wargs."

"We had to bring the animals into the smial because we heard them. Ma even made us bring Bunny in, because they might go after her." Raven admitted. "That's what you've been doing though, right? Hunting them?"

"Yes, Crabanniel," Legolas answered her and she turned to look at him, smiling at the sobriquet. Apparently, Crabanniel was the Elvish equivalent of her name. Legolas was the only one who used it, but he had always called her by it.

"And you've had luck?" Raven couldn't help her curiosity.

"Indeed," Estel and Legolas shared a look as they settled down. Raven looked between the two, waiting for one of them to start speaking. In the end, it was Legolas who began telling stories. Raven smiled and listened; enraptured. Their lives sounded full of heroics. Part of Raven wanted that in her life too. Of course, her time on the road hadn't been so full of adventure, but she still longed for it.

Raven:  An Unexpected AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now