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Atlas Miller

We all headed straight to Autumn's house after she decided to flee.

My parents decided to take Evelyn home whilst me, Aunt Kim and Kaden stayed behind.

Kaden watched as Autumn's father continuously dialled her number; she wasn't picking up. Sighing, he nudges my shoulder.

"Why don't you try calling her?"

I shake my head, "she's not going to pick up, it's me for Christ's sake."

"You don't know that."

Giving in, I take my phone out of my pocket and open it up before searching for her number in my contacts.

Pressing the call button, my phone instantly starts to ring.

Kaden furrows his eyebrows in worry as he watches me put my phone away and shake my head.

Natalie was leaning against the doorway, eyes glued to the front door.

Just as Mr Kingsley reaches for his jacket, the door flies open.

I hear Kaden let out a sigh of relief, as so did the rest of us in the room.

"Autumn you had us worried sick, we've been trying to call you but—"

"How sweet. You've decided to bring an audience." She refers to me, Kaden and Aunt Kim sat on the couch.

"We can talk this out properly, it doesn't have to be like this," Natalie pleads as she tries to reach out for Autumn's hands.

So much has happened in such a short span of time; my head was starting to hurt.

"I'm heading off to bed."

She tries to push past her dad, but he pulls her back gently, hurt written all over his face. "I know I haven't been the best father these previous years, but you've got to understand that it's been hard for me—"

Autumn throws her head back and laughs.

"You've got to be fucking with me." Turning her body to face her father's she begins to speak again.

"Hard for you? How do you think it felt when you married Natalie and then later announced you were having a child? How do you think I felt when you told me you were sending me away because I was too much of a disruption to you fresh beginning with your new family."

She breathes in sharply.

"Don't give me your "oh we were worried sick" act because I don't want to hear it. You stopped caring about me a long time ago, you just can't bring yourself to admit it."

Her eyes started to water and her words came out more cracked and broken as she spoke.

"I hate being here. I'd much rather you send me back to London and forget ever even existed. Or maybe you and mom should've just aborted me when you still had the chance."

Pushing past her father, the loud echoes of her footsteps retreating up the stairs filled the entire house.

Her dad started to cry.

Never in my life have I seen a father cry.

Aunt Kim rubs both mine and Kaden's shoulders. Kaden's face was laced with concern. "Shouldn't we check on her?"

His mother shakes her head. "We need to give her and her family some space."

I watch as Natalie tries to comfort him. The three of us stand up and make our way towards the main door.

"We're so sorry for what happened tonight, I'm sure you guys will fix whatever damage has been done."

Kaden's eyes were glued to the wooden staircase, apprehension written all over his features.

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