Last punishment

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Got that ,Good!

Chapter 1

This is the third time this week I've been punished. To most here, I'm deserving of my punishments.  You see we humans here are conditioned to serve and obey. But for me that blind obedience is just too hard to swallow. So I'm labeled as a troublemaker, a defiant little rat as they say. My fellow humans pretty much avoid me and remind me this is how life is and I'm only asking to be punished. They are wrong -I'm not meant to be abused and used. None of us humans were.
I won't be the weak, scared, obedient pet, as the wolves made us out to be. That's why I have so much hatred for them. I HATE THEM ! It consumes my thoughts "I.. HATE... THEM."

Currently, I'm in the mess hall and it's dinnertime for these freaks. I've been made to be submissive to these creatures as far as I can remember. I will never get used to this life. It doesn't matter how many times I'm told to accept my fate, I won't.

While serving and picking up plates, I couldn't resist. My hunger had me swipe a piece of meat off a plate. I was so hungry and it smelt so good, so I shoved it into my mouth. But my joy was short-lived as I hurriedly swallowed the meat, realizing it was a mistake. 
Shit I didn't think they'd see that.

Well, can you blame me? Slaves are given very little rations of food. Most of the time we eat the scrapes they leave. We're starving.


"Was the last punishment not good enough?.... Hmmm let me think." He taps his chin. " Maybe being put in the cells is more your style, RAT!." Spat the Alpha in my face while pulling my hair.
Yeah! This fucker actually thinks I give a fuck. Maybe I used to but not anymore. I'd argue but it just falls on deaf ears.

I just want to be free.  If the way to my freedom is having my life come to an end then I welcome it. So tired of following the myriad of rules just to fail and expect to endure their punishments and degrading treatment.

I've tried numerous times to run away, but it's no use. They always catch me. The reality is what it is, there is no way out, just death. But I'm too proud to take my own life. I've seen many others reach that darkness. Especially the chosen ones or what they call their chosen mates. Sometimes, your promised to a high rank wolf that lost or never found their mate. I thank whatever deity is watching over me for not being a favorite. I saw how they treated their chosen and I wanted no part in that.

Brought down on my knees, I look up at the Alpha and glare at him holding my own not backing down.

Hell, I know they hate this especially from a weak little human but like I said I'm done giving a shit. The sooner this fucker lets me meet my maker the better. I'll truly be free.

Knowing I won't lower my eyes, he back hands me.
Damn that hurts! The side of my right face is pulsing and I can taste blood in my mouth. Dazed, I lift my head and give him an evil smirk. I can see some of the pack members with disgust in their eyes. They've been eagerly watching this little scene, hoping for blood. It seems they didn't get their fill when they saw me being caned by big Ingrid two days ago. She's the headmistress of the human slaves. Since Ingrid is half human, she gets some privileges over us but she's not accepted in the pack, she can kiss their arses all she wants but she'll never be seen as a wolf since she can't shift. She possesses their heightened senses only. Despite her strength I got a couple of hits on her when she came at me. I'm actually proud of that, being half her size and all.

The guards immediately grab my arms and pull me up on my feet, they start to drag me out of Alpha "DICKS" sight, both bowing their heads and replying "YES ALPHA STEELE."
"WAIT!" The Alpha gets right beside my ear and whispers.

"Listen here little rat, I will have you submit. You will learn, mark my words. I'm done playing, you wasted enough of my time and it's time to collect."
A shiver ran down my spine
"What does he mean collect."
As they started dragging me down the hall, well literally my feet were suspended in the air, so they were carrying me, since these fuckers are over 6 feet tall, the whole time I'm swinging and kicking my legs left and right just to make life harder for them.
I knew there was no point in resisting but it sure as hell annoys them.

We get outside behind the pack house, the whole time I'm wiggling and cursing them out, fleabag on the left elbows me in the face to shut me up. I let out a cry "SHIT THAT HURT!" This isn't helping my ribs which are bruised from the caning two days ago either.

We continue to follow a path which leads to the familiar cells. I've been here a few times when I got caught escaping so I knew what to expect. Usually, Alpha Steele leaves you in a cell for three days without food or water, as you can see I still refuse to learn my place .

The guards exchange words and we enter descending a flight of stairs, on the left are some cells where they had usually kept me but this time we pass those and descend another flight of stairs. Now my heart is racing and fear is setting in, where are they taking me. The place gets darker and the stench of death is heavier. We arrive at a hallway with cells all along the sides. I can see prisoners in these cells, half of them seem at death's door. Poor wretched souls left and forgotten.

Shit! What have I gotten myself into.

Fleabag 1 and 2 put me on my feet and started pushing me forward. I suddenly feel the anxiety of what's gonna happen, I'm gonna die in this hellhole and there is surely no one who will ever miss me or know I was on this earth.
That thought starts to bring tears behind my lids, I'm trying so hard not to let them fall.
They can't see, I won't let them see me defeated. NO... YOU ARE STRONG AND YOU WILL LEAVE THIS WORLD WITH DIGNITY. I scold myself.

Finally, we get to a cell, where the door is opened and another guard is waiting. "Is this the one" he asks . They reply " SHE'S ALL YOURS, DON'T HAVE TOO MUCH FUN, THE ALPHA WANTS HER ALIVE."
They throw me his way and before I can fall flat on my face a huge hand is wrapped around my upper arm. I look up at the guard with surprise, noticing a huge scar through his eye, running down the left side of his face. He chuckles and says " What? Haven't seen anyone as pretty as me huh".
Then I'm pushed into the cold, dark cell, the door clicks shut. I back up to the back wall and slide down to the dirt concrete floor. I pull up my knees and wrap my arms around them and place my head down. I silently start to sob.

Started: September 2022

*I don't own any rights to the pictures

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*I don't own any rights to the pictures. Found on web.

Thanks for giving it a try, this is my first time publishing my writing.🫣

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