23. Amidst the wolves

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Never think of quitting if you want to prove yourself to the haters. --- Unknown

I pushed aside the covers and slowly swung my legs down the side of the bed. My body was in total disagreement with my movements, which felt as if I had aged overnight. The stiffness in my joints and the aches in my muscles were a reminder of how my body had been put through the wringer.

Next, I tried to carefully place my bandaged feet on the wooden floor. To my disappointment, there was a sharp sensation that shot through my ankles as soon as I put pressure on them. I winced, but refused to let it stop me from getting up. Slowly and gingerly, I made my way to the window, my hand grasping the edge of the chair for support. Every step was an effort and I could feel my legs and feet throbbing.

Unable to continue to support myself, I returned to the safety of the bed. As I sat there my mind replayed the events that had pushed my limits, mentally and physically, but somehow I had managed to keep going. And now, as I sat there feeling drained and battered, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. I had come out on the other side, bruised and battered, but still standing. While lost in my thoughts I was startled to hear a muffled male voice behind the door. This was the moment. I stilled and held the cover tight to my chest, eyes focused on the door. I took a deep breath and waited, my heart pounding. Then the door opened and there, standing in the doorway, was a very young, tall, lanky male with a look of surprise on his face.

"You're up" he nervously said. I sank further into my covers. He stepped in and left the door open. He stood there, looking at each other, not knowing what to say. 

Finally, he broke the silence. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I'm here to check on you, make sure you're okay." I wasn't sure what to say or how to respond, so I just nodded. He looked away, trying to avoid eye contact. I could tell he was a bit embarrassed.

Standing there awkwardly he slowly steps out the doorway and stammers "uhmm.... I'll be right back." He quickly left, leaving me alone in the room. I took a deep breath and let out a sigh. I felt relieved that he was gone, but confused as to why he was there in the first place.

After a few minutes, a slightly tall, slender woman walks in with a soft smile. 

'Hello there,' she said, her voice gentle and kind. 'I'm glad to see you're awake. How are you feeling?' She hesitated for a moment before continuing. "My name is Iris, I've been taking care of you, but we didn't want to wake you until you were ready.' Her words slowly registered in my mind. I was in a safe place, I was in the human village. My muscles slightly relax and I managed to give her a small smile. 

But no sooner had I relaxed than two male voices, one rougher than the other, approached the room. The sense of relief I felt was suddenly crushed and pushed back into darkness when the young lanky teen walked in with no one other than him. There was no doubt that it was him. I couldn't ever forget those vibrant green eyes of his. I couldn't help but stare. He looked so different....dressed. He had on a casual shirt and pants, his hair braided neatly away from his face, and no sign of the cuts and bruises that I remembered. I felt like my heart was going to stop when I realized it was him, but I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I was overcome with emotion.
There was no denying, he was extremely good looking. But then again most of them were, that's how they used the illusion for  their deceptive ways.   

Wakened from my daze, I felt a surge of anger and disappointment that clearly showed on my face.

He slowly approached me, and I could feel my heart racing with anticipation. I knew I should be scared, but I couldn't move.

"Hello gorgeous!" He said with a  nervous smile that hinted at his uneasiness. My gaze was fixed on him, unable to look away. 

Respectfully, the woman next to me, named Iris, bowed her head stating his title, "Hello, Beta Norwood." He acknowledged her with a nod, but his piercing green eyes remained focused on me.

I could see the hesitation in his eyes, it was like he was walking through a field of landmines, each step carefully calculated to prevent an unwanted explosion. As he approached me, my mind was still trying to process everything, but all I could think about was how he betrayed me. And all I wanted to do was scream out my frustrations. I was beyond infuriated by this fleabag.

"I know you must be confused and angry, but please let me explain." He pleaded, his voice sounding almost remorseful but I knew better than to trust this monster.

I shook my head "where am I?" I needed answers. I didn't need to hear his excuses to why he did what he did. 

That's when the woman Iris interrupted, sensing the tension in the room. "I think it would be best if you two talked alone," she said, giving him a warning look before leaving the room with the young teen boy.

As he finally reached my bedside, I quickly retreated into the pillows pressed against the wall.  He slowly raised his hands up trying to put me at ease "calm down, you're safe," he said reassuringly. 

But how could I stay calm when I was right back where I started, in a place I had desperately tried to escape? His words were not enough to soothe my fear and anger. I was unwilling to trust him again. I had to get away from the situation as soon as possible.

"I knew it! You despicable mutt. I knew I should have never trusted you." I couldn't take it anymore, my eyes burning with hatred and my heart pounding in my chest. The next thing I knew I lunged towards him, disregarding any of my pain or injuries.

I hit him as hard as I could, fists flying in black rage and words spewing out of my mouth. He hardly budged as I collided with layers of inhuman muscle.

I continued, breathing heavily and shaking, perspiration surfacing along my forehead and neck.

"Are you tired yet?" He states, unmoving with clear amusement in his eyes. I could feel my cheeks burning with a mix of frustration and embarrassment. I was mentally, physically and emotionally drained. I felt powerless as I crumbled to the floor defeated.

I was never getting away from these monsters. 


Poor Ella just can't get a break.

Thanks to all the support I've gotten so far. And absolutely love all your awesome comments, they really make my day.

Until next time 🫶

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