31. Yielding allure

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Elrix had reached out to me, breaking the silence that had lingered between us since our fight. His message was urgent, speaking of rogues testing our borders, and needing both of us to access the situation. Despite our past differences, duty called us to set aside our personal conflicts for the safety of our pack.

Elrix and I stood at the edge of the forest, our eyes scanning the eerie scene before us. Shadows flickered among the trees, casting a sense of unease over the once serene landscape. Dead carcasses of animals lay scattered on the ground, evidence of a brutal slaughter that had taken place recently.

I exchanged a solemn nod with Elrix, knowing what these gruesome sights meant - rogues were lingering around our territory, ready to bring chaos and destruction in their wake.

Before splitting up, Elrix makes a request. "I believe it's time for me to meet this pitiful human you brought into our pack. She has had enough time to heal. These rogues could be after something." He insinuates as he glared at me with knitted brows. I tried to diffuse the tension, saying, "We can't jump to conclusions, Elrix. Let's focus on finding these rogues first." 

But Elrix is adamant, in warning me, "Tomorrow, If she's not brought to me, I will come get her myself. Is that clear brother?

We then parted ways, each taking a different direction to search for any clues or suspicious activity.

Finn reported that he came across some damage on the eastside to the woven wood fence. The fence had stood for generations, protecting the pack from beasts and humans alike.

I met up with Amira, one of our strongest she-wolf warriors and a special friend. Amira and I trekked cautiously, alert to every rustle and snap of a branch. Amira, with her keen tracking skills and sharp amber eyes, was a force to be reckoned with. As we delved deeper into the woods, we parted ways to pursue the scent of rogue wolves, which grew stronger with each step.

After what seemed like hours of tracking, I  finally came around the clearing at the end of our pack. There, amidst the shadows, I spotted a figure moving unsteadily. It was my little human wandering in a daze.

She shouldn't be out this far, none of them should be here. She's not fully healed and the other three pups are defenseless in an attack.

Suddenly, she turned and noticed me, her eyes widening in surprise. It was evident that my  appearance caught her off guard.

After that day, she began to distance herself from me, choosing to hide in her room. I thought I was gaining her trust. Maybe even a friendship. But it was clear, she felt differently.
For some reason that bothered me, her pushing me away. I shouldn't care, I tried to convince myself, but it angered me knowing I was being rejected yet again.

 "You're avoiding me," I said firmly, but she couldn't even meet my gaze. Her hesitation spoke volumes, echoing through her stammer and reddening face.

With a dominating presence, I stepped closer and spoke softly, "Don't lie to me. I can see it in your eyes."

Her eyes flickered with a myriad of emotions, a storm brewing within them. " What's your problem Wolf." She said in a panic.

Her fear only served to anger me further. Despite everything we had been through, she still feared me. I clenched my fists, fighting to control my inner wolf. Not for my own sake but for hers. Just then, I heard Amira approaching. I didn't want her to get involved; I wasn't sure how she would react to a human. 
While most pack members knew about the human staying in our pack, the human's interaction with the pack was kept limited. Elrix, being the asshole that he is, strictly was opposed of her presence, believing that she would taint the pack. As for myself, I only allowed her to interact with a select few who I trusted. I wanted her to feel safe. However, the pack members, unfamiliar with humans, had a sense of unease which could easily lead to hostility and misunderstandings.

As I was still staring her down, Amira emerged from the trees, the tension in the air was palpable. She studied us both, her gaze darting between us. She was curious about our relationship, but I silenced her with a low growl. She was no one to be concerned about.

After ordering the boys to return to the village, I left with Amira.  We walked in silence for a while, the only sound being our footsteps crunching on the forest floor. I could feel her eyes on me, studying me, trying to piece together the puzzle but I didn't want to talk about it.

Amira had become a dependable companion, a close friend, and sometimes even more. But we had an understanding about our intimate relationship where we kept our professional aspects separate.  It was a unique bond that filled a void within us. She never judged or pitied me, simply listening and helping me heal from my past without any expectations. Our relationship may have been unconventional, but we understood each other.

Amira was unlike most she-wolves, and that was part of what made her special. Amira possessed fierce independence that defied traditional gender roles within the pack. She was a natural leader, unafraid to challenge the status quo and pave her own path. Her strength and determination earned her the respect and admiration of both male and female wolves alike.

Upon returning to the training grounds, my anger towards Ella had dissipated. We made our way to the communal showers, which were powered by solar panels. A warm and soothing shower would definitely help me relax. Our interactions with human technology and our ability to coexist with nature had taught us valuable lessons, but it was unfortunate that humans had not learned the same. 

As I washed away the dirt and grime from our forest trek, being alone, Amira finally brought up the topic. "So she's the little human causing all the gossip in the pack, huh?" Amira paused before adding, "Come on, Jonah. It's obvious that she holds a significance to you."

I turned away from her and and rested my hand on the wall, not in the mood to have this conversation at the moment.  All I wanted was to unwind. I could sense the words she wanted to say hanging in the space between us, waiting to be spoken. But I was not ready to hear them. I needed more time, more space to process my own thoughts and emotions before diving into what was sure to be a difficult discussion.
Ignoring my reluctance, Amira came up behind me, pressing her body against mine. Her touch was delicate yet captivating, her hands trailed down my chest, while gently kissing between my shoulder blades and massaging my body. 

Despite my initial resistance, I found myself yielding to her stroking and caressing my cock, a silent acknowledgment of the intimacy we shared. With Amira it was easy to surrender to the pull of desire she was offering. In her embrace and reassuring whispers, I always find a sense of peace and fulfillment. Shutting my eyes, I drew in a long breath, losing myself in the intoxicating whirlwind of emotions that she's igniting within me. At the same time, I am keenly aware that Amira is also pleasuring herself. 

"That's it Jonah, let me be whoever you need me to be," she whispers breathlessly.

 Now, as we're both aching for release, enchanting brown eyes consume my lustful thoughts. And in that moment, I allow myself to completely let go.




I'd like to thank all the readers who read and are still reading my story.
Having it reach over 3000 reads is an awesome achievement. Really!

I hope you enjoy the chapter and PLEASE VOTE (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-)—⭐  AND COMMENT.🫶

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