8 The barn

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Can't believe we made it out of the cells, but for how long will our luck last.

The Wolf shuts the barn doors and uses some heavy crop equipment to block the doors. I stepped back not to get in his way.

The barn's pretty big. It holds many horses and further back you'll find the stalls for the cows.
Looking around I then fix my attention to the Wolf who's scrunching up his nose. A small smile plays on my face, yeah it dreadfully stinks in here from the animals but me covered in piss and grim can't smell a damn thing.

While staring at him this wolf starts barreling towards me. Grabs my aching arm and proceeds through the barn.
Aggressive much!

"OK gorgeous, now that we're here, don't get comfortable ,we need to keep moving."
He's right! My objective is getting to those back doors. It's only a matter of minutes or seconds for someone to come in here. And just as I was mulling over getting caught, jinxing it, the back door eases open and there we stand face to face with one of the older human barn handlers.
At that moment our eyes meet and I'm pleading for him to stay quiet, faintly shaking my head side to side. The handler, on the other hand keeps a blank face, no emotion whatsoever.
Startled, I'm yanked harshly back behind the Wolf. Although, the handler held recognition in his eyes, he didn't say a word, just lowered his head to the Wolf.

I don't remember his name but I've always seen him around, but then again we rarely use names. Slaves prefer to keep to themselves, we only socialize doing our tasks, nothing more. No one has any interest in making friends for this only leads to heartache when without warning they're taken away. As for the wolves, they would call us by "human" or use degrading names like what they'd called me" Rat".

Being shielded, the beta wolf in a commanding tone, tells him to go about his business. The handler enters the stables and peers slightly up at me while walking around us. I'm frozen with uncertainty as I watch him. Soon after a voice says " The border wolves are handling a situation on the North side, I suggest taking the west end, you'll have a better chance to get away. Go! hurry girl."

I completely turn stunned, with his back towards us he walked away. I never in all my time here spoke or paid any mind to him but he was helping me. Why?


When I realized there was someone behind that door, I was ready to kill. My teeth elongated and the adrenaline and rage coursing through me was apparent enough that my wolf wasn't going to let these fuckers catch us again. But at the same time, my wolf on instinct puts the little human behind us to shield her.

What is that about? Has my wolf become protective of her?

I can sympathize with that cause looking at her I couldn't help feeling sorry for her at how physically and mentally broken she is. However,
that's not my concern, she's human and I have to get back to my pack. It was only a deal for us to escape as she stated. Though, on her end there's not much she can do, I'm just repaying her for releasing me from my chains.

If she becomes baggage, I hate to do it but I have to abandon her.

After dismissing the barn handler, he tells us to go West. Hesitantly I move towards the back doors but stop. Fuck! What if he leads us straight to them, how can we trust this human.

" What are you waiting for, you heard him, we go West." She tells me pulling on my wrist.
I look down at her contemplating, if we do run into trouble I can surely handle myself but with her I'll definitely get myself killed.
I'm gonna have to let her go.

My Wolf flickers under my skin, letting me know he's not in agreement.

After a minute I answer her " listen gorgeous you can't have blind faith, just because it seems they are helping. Surely, he could have other intentions, bad intentions." I stress and raise my eyebrows to her.


I'm listening with a scrutinized stare, becoming agitated that the stupid Wolf's wasting my time contemplating this. I have a good mind to leave his ass here. If I could get away by myself, I would, but I'm weak and can't fight them without his help. This is my reality, my one chance to be free.

Fuck it!

After losing precious seconds on his words, I sprinted towards the west side of the forest, barely able to produce enough energy to run but my will was stronger.

I'm getting out of here.

And seconds later, right behind me was a silvery grey wolf, I realized he shifted. Slightly turning my head I could see how huge his head was. It was intimidating to say the least but I had to focus on where I was running due to the treacherous ground. As well as, my bare feet thumping away was a bit concerning as I felt a string of pain with every step.

Despite the wind whistling past my ears, the wolf swerves in front through the thick of the forest.
I'm pushing with everything I got so I don't lose him. He's a ways up but I can still see him.

My chest was on fire and the muscles in my legs were just about to collapse from exhaustion.
No! I have to keep going, come on just a bit more, please I have to catch up.

From the sounds of the forest giving a sense of security in getting away, it was then that that security shattered when howls erupted from every direction, one after another. My blood froze in my veins, understanding that the wolves were gathering for the hunt.


You think that friggin' wolf left her?

This took me a while to write, I wanted to get it right.

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