5 The escape part II

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Pulled from my reasoning, the guard gets up yanking me with him, he turns me to where my back is against his chest. He has an arm around my waist and his hand around my throat. I'm led to the front of the cell where he addresses the Beta wolf. " Settle down Beta, you don't want our play date to be continued for the next few days now do you."

Frantically my eyes are searching for a way out. Again I focus on the silver knives the guard has strapped to his thigh, hands trembling,
Do it, just grab them and kill him. I'll never escape but at least I'll fight until my last breath.
While contemplating how to fight this ugly dog, growls and snarling are heard between the guard and the Beta wolf.

Just then he tightens his grip on me, his mouth moving along my neck ,moving to my jawline then my earlobe where he whispers " I want your submission little rat."
All I could think about was how there's no escape, my body and mind hopeless. I felt numb, numb to everything. I couldn't quite process what was happening, then I felt his teeth graze my skin. No! ...my mind was jolted to focus. I started thrashing in his grip, sobbing and repeating to him that I don't want this, I want out, but.... there's no way out, they won't ever let there be a way out.

"You'll be my chosen human" ,he spat human like it was poison on his tongue. "Forever mine to do as I want."
"Don't do it, you can't, please... Alpha Steele will punish you, you can't claim me without permission." I pleaded, trying to convince him to stop, to rethink marking me as his chosen.
He just laughs, " punish ,once your mine no one can do anything. And I'll take the Alpha's punishment, don't you worry about me, my little mate. Anyway, the Alpha would be over the moon to get rid of such a thorn in his side. You've been quite the troublesome pest, but don't worry I love a challenge, I promise you'll learn to accept this once I mark you.... right here." He nuzzles his face in my neck and licks it ,savoring the taste .
Lost in his own euphoria, He tightens his hold bringing me closer to his body, oh no he's going to mark me.

Without thinking, I reach out my hand for the knives strapped to his thigh and jammed it into his neck with all my rage and hatred.
I'm forcefully pushed away and hit the ground so hard that I'm gasping for air.
The guard's eyes widen with alarm, they carried a mixture of shock and
anger. The next moment I find he has me up by the throat, I can see the knife still in his neck, the blood flowed from the wound in a steady pour to the floor. His eyes Cobalt black, while he's tightening his grip I'm clawing at his hands, then I realize I have one opportunity to end this, so I pull the knife out and stab it through the side of his throat. I'm quickly released , but I'm frozen in place staring at the guard while choking on his own blood.
His panic stricken face, coming towards me, I let out a horrifying scream when the guard collapses on top of me.
Now threading my actions, I find myself under him and damn if he isn't' a bag of horse shit heavy.
I hurriedly tried prying my body out from under him, pulling myself with my arms in order to slide back away from his head.
Finally, I get free and air surges into my lungs so deeply and quickly it makes me start coughing.
Confusion sets in, looking at his unmoving body. Suddenly, I'm consumed with fear and my hands are shaking.
You need to run
Yes, I gotta get out of here
Refocusing, I tossed his body on his side and  looked for the keys. There's the guard's blood all over him and me. Finally I find them in his back pocket. With trembling hands I unlock the cell.


T.S Eliot : "Survival is your strength not your shame."

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