17. Name of mine

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"Sometimes people are beautiful.
Not in looks.
Not in what they say.
Just in what they are." --


 I've lost count of how many times she stumbled about to keep in toe. It shouldn't be of my concern but taking note of how pale and sickly she looked, I decided to find shelter and stop for the night. If it had been just me, I would  have run all night and would surely be back home. This little human has been more trouble to me than what it's worth. 

Despite everything I couldn't throw her in the path of death, that just wasn't me.

Frowning in frustration, I watched as she slumped against a pine tree and tipped her head back shutting her eyes.  I needed to hunt so we could eat and rest, giving her one last glance, I took off.  Minutes later, I found her exactly where I left her when I returned with food. She didn't even stir as I approached her.  Clearly, her carelessness would have gotten her killed or mangled out here. Again, I reminded myself it's none of my concern.

Foolish girl!

However, I caught myself staring intently and unconsciously tracing every bruise and cut on her face. She wasn't classically beautiful; features that appear so perfect they attract attention, no more or less she was mundane but she had a peculiarity —it was like she had this realness about her, an unspoken strength that shone through her imperfections.  I couldn't help but found it intriguing and so did my Wolf.

I transformed back to my skin and proceeded to start a fire. The soft, warm light filled the small open area, making the shadows dance and play on the tree trunks around the edge. As the fire crackled and started to eat away at the wood, I figured it was time to cook so we'd eat while letting the human sleep.  Sitting across from her, my thoughts kept running on how this puny human has endure for this long. Most would have surrendered by now.  However, fate must have other plans for her, I guess I'm just part of the scheme of things.

"Human......Human get up!" I called out. She doesn't even flinch from my authoritative tone.

Letting out a sigh, I get up and walked over, closing the gap between us to nudge her. " Rise and shine gorgeous!" With a playful tone in my voice, I couldn't help but smile a bit, given the gravity of our circumstances. She was a mystery to me, a puzzle I hadn't figured out yet, and as I observed her movements in the flickering firelight, I couldn't help but feel sorry for the lonely future that lay ahead of her in this world.

 Instantly her eyes sprang open as if she had just remembered where she was. Crouching down to her level, I was caught up with her wide, fearful brown eyes. But my gaze shifted to her slightly parted, chapped lips, which seemed to hint at the tough journey she's been through.

"What!" she says hoarsely pressing her body further into the the tree trunk. Noticing her uneasiness I moved away and returned to where I was sitting across from her. I pointed to the meat already cooked on a stone plate and resume eating.  She catches sight of it and hurriedly takes huge bites of it, ripping  at the meat to fill her empty belly.  


For a few moments, there's an awkward silence that stretches between us while I 'm wolfing down this food. The flavor hits me like a comforting friend and an unexpected surprise all rolled into one.

Oh, my word! I'm becoming feral.

It was apparent that without this wolfman, I'd starve out here, Yet, I hated myself for having to rely on him. I guess it's only right to acknowledge his kindness, even though it feels pretty tough to admit it. 


"Umm! Thanks for the food" I utter without looking up at his eyes, giving the floor the attention in taking away my embarrassment. 

He doesn't bother answering, but I gather the confidence to question our travelling.

"So, how much further to a human village?"

"A day or two, seeing how slow you are." He says casually looking into the fire.

I scowl at him "just perfect" then  look up at the sky. 

"Do you know what you'll do when you get there" He asked unexpectedly.

Actually, I 've thought about it for years, if I ever got out of that pack.  I'd have to contribute to the village somehow, the only thing I was good for was cleaning and working in the crop fields. I could hardly read, my education was limited. But I'd like to have a family, I never had a family or even a home of my own. Maybe I didn't have to be alone.

"I'll see when I get there." I wasn't about to tell him anything about me, it's none of his business. Frankly, I don't know why he cares and why he keeps helping me.
All the same I still didn't trust him. I roll those thoughts over, thinking of every bad intention his kind might have.
The world is cruel and unfortunately no one does anything without something in return.

He snorts " human society has changed plenty since the virus, don't expect a welcome mat at your feet, gorgeous."

What's with this gorgeous crap? 

Straightening up, I snarky match" Is that so Wolf?" What do you know about  humans beside that we're weaker than wolves ."

" I'd say I've been around a while, you shouldn't feed wolves or they become accustomed to you." He smiled wide and sly like he was hinting at a secret or a joke.

I shot him a quizzical look, "yeah whatever wolf" I muttered and turned my attention away from him, I was done being his amusement for the night.


"What?" I answered annoyingly.

"My name...... it's Jonah".
Pausing a moment, I say "who cares" as I wave up my hand in the air dismissively.

"May I know your name or do we continue to call each other what we are. Human." He  says with a playful glint in his striking green eyes.

After avoiding those eyes all evening, I found myself held by his gaze debating on whether or not I should  tell him my name.


"I think our narrative is more interesting as the Wolf and the Human, don't you think?" And tilted my head sarcastically.

His intense green eyes were fixed on me with an expression of annoyance much the same, one might have for a pet that had peed in your shoe. 

After a long pause, his gruff voice says" then human it is," putting emphasis on human as  if it were revolting.
Then that was that, we both looked away and settled in our spots for the night. I curled up at the base of the tree, trembling a bit from the cold night air. A second later, I hear snapping, I turn to find the wolf now in his fur.  Oh! How convenient for him, to turn into a dog to stay warm, I  huffed and rolled my eyes.

Stupid Jonah!


She's quite the stubborn minx my little human. I offered her my name and she blankly refused to give up hers.  Might as well be, in a day or so I'll never see her again.

We both seemed to have had enough chit chat for the evening as we settled ourselves around the fire. The autumn night was chilly so I opted to sleep in my fur. Laying my head on my paws, my gaze shifts to the small figure across from me that has her arms hugging her body tightly.

At the sight, my Wolf's body tenses as he realizes the coldness was seeping through her thin clothes. Shortly after, he slowly prompts forward and after hearing soft snores, we quietly snuggled close to her petite body like a cat providing her warmth.
Although my Wolf was protective of her, I couldn't decipher this weird feeling of being at ease when close to her. Listening to her breathing, my mind finally surrenders to our own deep slumber.


So we got a name! 😁

Would you have given him your name?

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