45. Leaving

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The pre-dawn sky was a bruised purple, barely offering any light but I flung myself into the forest and I didn't slow my pace despite the path being treacherous, littered with fallen logs and jagged rocks. My muscles were already screaming in protest, despite having only run a short while. I hadn't had anything substantial to eat since the trials, just a few apples I swiped and dried berries I'd saved. Thankfully, my water container was full so I think I'll be all right.

I was unsure whether to laugh or cry at my situation. Had I been impulsive? As I stumbled through the vast and unforgiving woods, thorns clawed at my clothes from the dense undergrowth. However, I was desperate—I don't want to regret this.

Adding to my considerable shortcomings, with every step my leg protested, a constant reminder of the toll escaping had took on me.  I don't think it will ever fully heal. I knew it would slow me down. But the cold air filled my lungs, keeping my senses alert, in case I heard distant sounds of pursuit whereas the fear, an icy grip spurred me forward. What would happen if they caught me?

The memory of the Beta's chilling words, at the Raven pack echoed in my mind while I was maneuvering through the uneven terrain, a relentless mantra of fear it was:

You run, you will be punished terribly or you'll be killed. Get any thoughts of leaving out of your head. The Raven Pack will find you. No matter how far you go." He had said, his voice a cold, predatory whisper. "This is your life accept it or you'll live out a torturous existence." He continued with a sinister smile.

Fuck! I still remember his evil condescending face when I arrived at the Raven pack. He was the worst of them all. Regardless of his threat, I continued to plot my escape, my body a testament to the punishments I endured.

The chilling prospect of the Raven pack finding me, of Alpha Owen's cold, calculating gaze, of the Beta's sadistic smile, promised nothing but suffering. That was enough to fuel my flight. I imagined the chains that would bind me, the forced servitude, the endless nights spent in the cold, damp cells. But worse yet, the ultimate horror: being taken and violated as a chosen mate for one of their twisted, power-hungry wolves. But I couldn't let myself think of being found or the possibility not surviving the night on this merciless peak.  

Gasping for air, I halted my frantic flight and propped myself up against a tree trunk. The serene forest witnessed my struggle for composure as I fought to smooth my ragged breaths. I recalled Amira's voice whispering in my ear, urging me to listen to the sounds around me.  I scanned the trees carefully, my eyes searching for any sign of pursuit. Was she even sincere in trying to help me? I didn't want to  feel that her intentions weren't  entirely pure.

I shook my head, not the time to think about that.

Shifting my thoughts, I've been gone awhile now. Yet I hadn't come across any of the wolves, knowing they roamed this territory. No one had come for me, no one had stopped me. They must have seen me already.

"They're all glad you're gone, Ella. Why would they stop you? They wanted you to leave." I muttered to myself, my voice a bitter echo. "You did him a favour."

Suddenly, a breeze rustled the leaves, sending a cascade of them fluttering around me. Fear gnawed at me, but I refused to let it consume me. I had come too far to give up now.  

However, I couldn't get over the creeping feeling that someone or something was out there. I'd spent enough time in the woods to trust my instincts —something was watching or lurking.

Being perfectly still, my ears strained for any unfamiliar sounds. I decided that I wasn't going to stick around for them to find me easily if they were hunting me.

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