37. In the moonlight

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We continued to huddle around the crackling bonfire, warmed by its flames, as the orange glow of the harvest moon hung high in the star-dusted sky. Liam kept everyone laughing, cracking jokes all night long until a mischievous grin lit up his face as he announced my initiation. "Alright, Ella, it's time for your werewolf training," grinning from ear to ear, he added, "minus the wolf, of course."

I raised an eyebrow, not sure what to expect. I hated to be in the center of attention but Jonah gave me a reassuring smile before Liam said, "First things first, we need to teach you how to howl like a proper werewolf."

I looked around nervously as the pack started demonstrating different types of howls. "This one means 'I'm hungry'," Finn explained, letting out a low, rumbling howl.

"But let's be real, when aren't you hungry Finn?" Amira teased throwing a piece of meat his way.

Finn caught the meat with a grin, "Hey, I've got a big appetite, what can I say?"

Amira rolled her eyes, "Yeah, and an even bigger ego."

"Go on try it." Finn urged chewing on his meat. I tried to mimic him, but it came out more like a squeaky yelp.

Liam burst out laughing, doubling over with hilarity. "Oh, Ella, that was priceless! You sounded like a squeaky toy!"

Amira interjected, "It kind of sounded like when Finn squeals every time he sees a spider."

Finn gasped dramatically, "Hey, spiders are nature's true predators! They're terrifying, okay?"

Finn, chewing some more meat, raised an eyebrow at me. "Come on, Ella, summon your inner pup."

I shot him a glare. "Sorry I don't speak dog."

My comeback drew a chorus of "Ooooo!" but soon everyone joined in the laughter, and I found myself feeling both silly and proud. No one seemed offended, and they continued to show me their howls, even engaging in friendly competitions.

And then, a sound unlike anything I'd ever heard reverberated through the trees. From my right, Jonah let out a deep, resonant howl, a primal cry of belonging. The pack responded with a chorus of howls, their voices blending into a powerful symphony.

I turned to Jonah," Show off" I said with a smug look.

"What?" he says with a crocked smile " I couldn't help myself."

Jonah chuckled. "Hey, I couldn't let these nimrods show me up. Gotta establish dominance, you know?"

In that moment, the boundaries between us blurred. I never would have imagined that I could let go of my inhibitions and just have fun in the company of wolves.

Yet, while laughing and giggling my eye caught a glimpse of a group gathered around a roaring campfire much smaller than ours. Quickly, I noticed we were under the watchful gaze of the Luna herself, a wave of apprehension washed over me. The playful atmosphere shifted, a sense of unsettling emotion bore into me as she watched with a jealous stare, her lips pressed tightly together in a thin line. Despite the joyful atmosphere around us, her expression was cold and unforgiving. I couldn't help but feel a chill run down my spine as her gaze lingered on me for a moment longer before she turned away, her attention shifting back to her group.

But as the night came to an end and the pack dispersed, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that the Luna's stare had left me with. Despite this, there was a calmness, the soft rustle of leaves and low chatting filled the air as everyone around me lounged in peaceful contentment. Even Liam had found a cozy spot on a log, his eyes fixed on the twinkling stars above.

As my eyelids began to droop, Jonah's voice broke through my drowsiness. "Tired? Want to head back?" he offered, his hand extended towards me. I nodded wearily and let him pull me up from my comfortable spot.

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