4. The escape

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* discretion is advised due to some intense situation


The next day, I waited all day for the scarred guard to come back. My anxiety was high, at every creek or crack I'd jump. But he hasn't been back, even when they pass the food trays this morning, well, I think it's morning. Not that I can tell.

Everything seems so still and quiet like the calm before a storm.
Even the Wolf in the next cell has been quiet too, just grunts coming from him, guess they must have really done him up good. In no time at all I'll probably be worse off then him.

Maybe he was just trying to scare me. No ! Shaking my head I know he was serious. I should just be submissive to him so he won't hurt me too bad because I know they won't kill me. They won't give me that courtesy.
Maybe I need to come to terms with it, this is and was always my fate anyhow.

I must have been pacing along these four walls in my cell, for hours. My mind racing with million of thoughts on how I'm going to survive this, all horrible possibilities.
Suddenly, I hear a clank and footsteps coming my way, in my panic I try to hide in the dark corner of my cell until the heavy foot strides of boots could be heard and a huge looming figure nearing. My body went stiff when I saw him standing in front of my cell door. He just stared at me for a long moment, not saying a word until he opened the cell door and slowly started approaching me. "So what's it gonna be little rat, I gave you plenty of time to think." He says as he gets close enough so I can see some of his rough features.

I blurted out, "what are you going to do to me." Panic evident in my voice, he leans in and takes a big whiff of my scent then near my ear whispers, "are you gonna be a good girl or a bad girl."
I freeze

His hand starts inching slowly up my right leg while his face nudges into my neck. He smells of dirt and sweat. His body huge compared to mine, there's no way I can get out of this. I knew it was bound to happen.These monsters were going to break me to where I'm just a shell
of myself, till finally there's nothing  left inside.
"Are you hungry little rat." He mumbles into my neck.
"I d-don't have an ap-pet-tite." I stutter with fear. All at once, he grabs me towards him, pressing my body tightly to his and I let out a scream.
He lifts his head up, smiling sadistically and says, "don't worry the first time always hurts,
but I promise it gets better." All the while his hands are rubbing and feeling my body, at that moment I understand what he's going to do to me.
"Nooo I can't, No please," I whimper with tears running down my cheeks.
I push and punch at him, fighting to get away from him, not receiving a single reaction until he grabs my wrists and throws me on the floor.
I try to scoot away but he takes hold of my ankle and pulls me to him and then he climbs on top of me prying my legs apart so he's in between them, all the while having both my hands above my head in his one hand. This can't be happening, look how weak I am, pathetic like they say pathetic. Thoughts rushing through me.
"STAY STILL OR THIS WILL HURT MORE THAN IT NEEDS TO." He advises with a angry growl. I close my eyes, fear taken a hold of me.
I noticed him pulling my dress up further with his other hand. Slowly he drags his hand up my stomach to my breast then skims his fingers to my scarred cheek. I quickly open my eyes and I'm met with the most beastly black eyes, not even if it was the devil himself looking back at me.
That's when I belt out the most horrifying scream, tossing my head side to side. "Please leave me alone, please." I beg.

Straight away there's a thunderous roar and the wall trembles and debris and dust falls.The scarred guard abruptly stops in his actions, but unfortunately he keeps me pinned under him.
Anticipating his actions, he slightly gets up glaring at the wall that separates me from that Beta wolf.

Looking frantically for anything that can help me, I noticed that there's small silver daggers strap on the side of his leg pants.
Shit. If only I can get to them. Then what. Could I really stab him, even kill. Do I have it in me to do something like that.


I'm been in and out of consciousness since those fuckers'
torture session. I shake my head and hear whining, the human. No. She's crying. I also smell that fucker with the scarred face.
Now I'm trying to bring back more of my senses but without my wolf to heal me it's getting harder and harder to recover. I hear her pleading him to leave her alone. Fuck. He's going to hurt her. I can't do anything being chained up. I rattle and pull at them, then a horrifying scream is released. Hearing her scream, something rose in me from deep within, rage, it came out with a deadly roar. My chest heaving, I gave a powerful tug at my chains, the wall trembled and rumbled. I'll fucking tear him apart.

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