44. You call me friend

140 19 41

* mature content

The rustic cabin loomed in solitude. Its aged exterior bore the scars of neglect, as a single boarded-up window hinted at its dwindling care.

A prickle of apprehension ran down my spine as I peered through the slightly ajar door, my heart pounding in my chest. The cabin's interior was empty, its furnishings of weapons and objects scattered about in an eerie stillness. With a shaky hand, I reached for the doorknob and gently pushed the door wider. I was determined to make as little noise as possible.

The musty scent of sweat and wet dog filled my nostrils as I cautiously stepped inside, my senses on high alert.
Ugh, the smell in here is unbearable. I can't believe I had to clean after these filthy beasts.

"Just a quick clean and I'm out of here," I mumbled to myself, trying to sound brave.

As I ventured deeper into the darkness, the palpable silence was broken by a low growl that filled the air, followed by muffled noises coming from the back of the cabin—a sound that sent a wave of goosebumps rippling across my skin, despite the chill in the air. This was no ordinary animal.

I need to be careful.

"I should leave." I barely whispered, trying to convince myself although my stubbornness battled with my logic that seeped into my thoughts. Sage had been right, I was stubborn, dammit. Yet, a relentless curiosity intertwined with a sickening knot of dread, kept me rooted to the spot.

Why was the Luna so fixed on me coming here alone and at night?

Randomly, my gaze landed on a pair of worn boots and clothing lying carelessly atop a large weathered chest. Is someone here?

Taking a deep breath, I edged my way through the shadowed spaces of the cabin, my hand instinctively tightening around the daggers. As I neared the back room, the scent of pine intensified, mingling with the damp, earthy odor of the cabin. I moved carefully, stepping so as not to make a sound on the wooden floor. I dimmed my lantern, the meager light casting just enough illumination to guide my path through rickety crates and barrels.

Again, the strange sounds of grunts and moans echoed from the far end of the passage, drawing me closer. Despite the warnings in my mind to stay away, and mine my business, my feet propelled me toward a obscurely opened door. 

Peeking inside, my eyes were hunting for anything strange. But then they darted in a secluded corner by the window, two figures stirred, their silhouettes concealed by the moonlight's embrace. My breath caught in my throat as I realized who they were—a man and a woman, their forms barely detectable yet undeniably intimate.

The man, broad-shouldered sat on
a stool with his head back resting on the wall while a woman, facing away from me, knelt contentedly between his legs, her hand reaching up to stroke his chest and thighs. Both seemed to be topless, a testament to the relaxed attitudes toward nudity among these wolves.

Overwhelmed by the sudden intimacy, I find myself rooted to the spot, unable to look away. As her hands glided down his toned torso, irradiated by the soft light streaming in through the window, my face grew warm as her hand delves into his unfastened pants.

Of all places, they're doing it here.  Was this a coincidence?

My pulse quickened as I watched, transfixed, as the woman's head disappeared into the man's lap, leaving visible only the delicate curve of her neck and the graceful arch of her back. I realized with a start what they were doing. I should look away, I know, but I was glued to the scene unfolding before me. The taut muscles in his thighs from what I could see hinted at the intensity of the pleasure she was giving him but his face was hidden from view.

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