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<Angie's pov>

<Angie's pov>┏━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┓

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I was sitting in the backseat of Jackson's car trying my hardest to not break down crying.

I didn't want to feel hurt. I really didn't, it was probably for the best but I knew that stuff wouldn't end here.

Whoever the wolf was tonight it was going to stay and probably find me after what I did and my mom probably felt the magic I used as well and it was just not good.

Nothing was okay.

From Scott being with Allison and him being a werewolf none of it was okay.

But especially, I wasn't okay.

Once we arrived at my house Lydia chose to go into my house for a bit before she headed into Jackson's house. I knew she had noticed my change of mood but not enough to follow me all the way to my room.

"Okay so spill" Lydia shut the door while I just turned around running my hand through my hair sighing.

"I don't..." I suddenly felt Lydia's hands on my wrist and she led me to go sit on my bed.

"Tell me I'll listen" she sat right next to me still holding my hand. I took a deep breath while I stared at the ground.

"It's Allison...he likes Allison..." Lydia just frowned and rubbed my back but there was no shocked expression, it's like she already knew. "I tried to make it work I really did I mean...I thought he liked me and..."

"Oh honey but did you like him?" She intervened and I looked up thinking about the question.

I had convinced myself I did. I mean that was the only reason I made all that fuss about him because I liked him.

"I do..." I said it more like I was questioning it than confirming it to her, making her tilt her head and I musta shook my head. "This is so stupid I mean both of us were trying so hard! He even denied he liked her when it was so obvious!"

"Maybe both of you are confused? Lina I understand you two really tried and maybe you guys do like eachother but not in that way maybe there's something in the way?" I could tell she regretted saying that.

There was obviously something in the way Allison was in the way and so much other stuff like the fact we couldn't even be with each other but somehow I thought we could overpass that if we loved each other enough we wouldn't let it stop us from being happy but it did.

It did because the love wasn't there, nothing was there especially with me maybe with Allison he was willing to break the rules.

"Whatever, I'm not crying over him..." I wiped my face and got up from the bed. "I'm going to go wash my face"

𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 - Isaac L.Where stories live. Discover now