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<narrators pov>



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"So what the hell happened to her?!" Currently Angie rushed down the hallway with Scott and her mother in hopes of getting to see Lydia after the incident she had.

Scott had immediately called Angie to tell her what happened with the sheriff and Lydia which only piled onto the stuff the young girl kept worrying about but she needed to calm down. She knew that for whatever there was to come she had to remain calm to help her friends.

So she tried to take each problem at a time like at the moment she was going to check on Lydia first before she made any conclusions or any moves to figure out what was going on.

"You can't bring her here, the hospital is being evacuated..." the nurse was suddenly stopped once Angie rushed to Lydia taking her into her arms just as Lydia was being strolled in a gurney.

"I'll make sure she gets transferred as the rest as soon as possible" Ava assured the other nurse and walked to her daughter trying to get her away from Lydia. "Angie I will check her up then we'll transfer her on one of the ambulances with Cora come on"

"Are you okay?!" Angie let go of Lydia to inspect for any wounds but only found bruises all over her body. "Lydia who did this..."

"You can walk and talk, come on Angie just get on with her" Ava pushed Angie onto the gurney then turned to Scott who immediately got the memo and helped her begin pushing the gurney down the hall into the room where Cora was.

Derek was still the only person in the room with Cora but he still wanted to know what was actually going on. They only knew bits and pieces but something told them Lydia was going to be the key.

"I'll get caught up when I'm back right now I have to go get stiles call me if anything happens" Scott excused himself while Angie nodded and then turned to Lydia.

"Are you okay? what happened?" Angie asked again now expecting an actual answer.

"The lady...Ms. Blake I don't know what she is but she said she was after you and that I...that I was something she kept telling me she was going to hurt you if I didn't help her and then I screamed..." Lydia was still in shock from what Jennifer had done to her at the school.

"We heard it..." angie mentioned still holding Lydia.

"Do you think she actually wanted to hurt you? I should've done something...I don't understand why she wanted me" nobody knew why anyone was doing what they were doing.

Everyone had different bits and pieces and their pride of actually working together was getting in the way of them figuring it out.

"Did she say anything else? Any clues?" Ava questioned the girl not understanding what Jennifer wanted from her.

𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 - Isaac L.Where stories live. Discover now