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<narrators pov>



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Everyone had headed back to the loft where they were waiting for Scott to get back and explain everything. They had chosen not to go in to make sure they stayed undercover and not alert Kira either. For some reason Barrow wanted Kira dead and they didn't know why yet so it was best they were completely informed.

"We're sitting ducks" Angie complained she was getting tired of waiting around doing and letting Scott do everything. She was just so desperate to fix everything.

"Angie be patient" Ava said but she couldn't lie she was getting tired of waiting as well. If it was up to her she would've left for New Orleans with Chris but that was too risky and completely too soon to make a move when they didn't have anything figured out yet.

"What did I miss?" Tyler rushed into the loft making a few of them roll their eyes. "Really?!"

"Nothing Ty we're waiting on Scott" Angie replied not liking how most of them didn't like the idea of him there.

Tyler just nodded and sat down on the couch next to Lydia.

"What is Kira? Why is she important?" Stiles questioned ava. Stiles couldn't sit either and do nothing; he wanted to solve everything too.

"I don't know yet but once Scott gets here and tells us why he wanted to kill her then we'll know" Ava replied she already knew what Kira was and that they needed her alive but she wanted to make sure she was right before she just involved the girl.

"But I'm sure you have an idea right? I mean you're always thinking..."

"Stiles shut up and wait like the rest of us!" Angie shouted not wanting to hear them go back and forth.

Stiles just sighed and sat back waiting for Scott to arrive.

Angie just kept thinking even if they sat here waiting for Scott what would they do after? All they were going to know was what Kira was but that wasn't enough to figure the whole thing out.

They were sitting ducks until James finally struck.

Eventually Scott finally showed up receiving a bunch of complaints from all of them.

"I had to make sure she was safe in her house. I couldn't exactly bring her here yet!" Scott defended after he heard all of them yell at him.

"Ok it's fine just glad you're here just tell me what happened" Ava intervened pulling Scott aside.

"Barrow kept trying to take pictures of her I didn't know why but then I saw it when Kira stopped the electricity she literally took one of the cords and put it out with her hands! And when she did her eyes were glowing" Scott began to explain to all of them.

𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 - Isaac L.Where stories live. Discover now