Chapter 5

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TW// Slight blood. Be careful when reading :)

Wilbur POV

I walked away, knowing Sapnap was about to have the time of his life. He would probably yell at me later, but I didn't care anymore. Honestly, I was tired of all the slight hints they gave each other, the small gestures, and the flirting in general.

I waited at the front of the school for Tommy as usual. I took out my phone and texted him. Tommy didn't reply. I frowned, maybe he's just late. He's probably talking with Ranboo and Tubbo or something. I stood there for 10 minutes and then started to get worried. He's never late.

I walked into the school. As usual, the halls were crowded with chatting friends and couples holding hands. I walked to Tommy's locker and he wasn't there. Frowning, I walked out of the school and onto the field. He wasn't there, but Tubbo and Ranboo were. 

"Tubbo!" He turned around and waved at me. I ran over, "Do you guys know where Tommy is?" Ranboo frowned at me, "He isn't with you?" My heart skipped a beat, fear pooling in my stomach. "No." 

"That's odd. He left and said he would go back home 5 minutes ago." I panicked. "What?! Which direction did he go?" Tubbo pointed to the entrance of the school, where I was. 

Damn it. I swear, when I find that kid. I walked over to a few of his classmates, asking if they'd seen him. A few said they saw him with a brown-haired kid going to the back area of the school.
The hell? Why would he be going to the back area? I thanked them and quickly headed to where they were pointing. "Tommy?" I heard nothing. "Tommy!" I heard a small groan and frowned, confused even further. 

I looked into an alleyway and saw Tommy lying on the floor with a bloody nose and a red swollen handmark on his cheek. Horrified, I ran to his side. "Tommy? What the fuck happened here?" He opened his eyes, "Wil?"

I helped him up as blood trickled on my clothes. "Who did this? I swear I'm going to find them and beat their ass." He shook his head, "No. Don't. I'm fine. It's okay. Nothing too bad happened." He tried to walk and failed, and that's when I realized he sprained his ankle. I let him lean on me as we limped back into the front of the school. 

"You need to tell me who did this." I said firmly, letting him sit on a bench. He shook his head, "They'll get mad at me and hurt me." "Not if we stop them first." 

"I'm fine! I just have to rest my ankle for a few days and then I'll be okay." I scowled. "Fine my ass! Imagine this person does this to you every day, that's horrifying! Tell me who it is! We can report them and everything will be good." 

He looked at me, "Don't report them! They're gonna come after me." Frustrated, I ran my finger through my hair. "Tell me who it is. I won't tell anyone, I just want to know." Tommy sighed, "His name is Collin. He's in my second-period class." Collin. That guy better watch out, I'm going to fucking kill him. 


"Shit!" I stopped and looked up, "I told you it was gonna sting." Tommy just grit his teeth and I continued applying the oil to his leg. "There. All done. I'll tell Phil to call your school and tell them you're not going tomorrow. You need to rest your ankle." He nodded. I helped him up the stairs and to his room.

"Call me if you need anything, m'kay?" He nodded again, opening his phone. 

I started closing the door and then remembered, "Oh. I almost forgot. Dream's coming over so I can help him with his studies. Try not to make too much noise." Tommy looked up from his phone, grinning at me, "Oooooh."

I scowled, trying to hide my blush. "Oh shut up." Before he could say anything more, I closed the door and headed over to my room. I looked at the clock. SHIT! He's coming in 5 minutes, I need to get ready.

I hastily cleaned my bedroom. Fuck. I still had blood on my shirt. I grabbed one from my closet and quickly changed, stuffing my bloody shirt in a drawer and shutting it close. 

Ding! The doorbell rang. I quickly ran downstairs and smoothed my hair before opening the door. Dream was standing there. He saw me and smiled, causing butterflies in my stomach. "Come in. Don't mind the messy house." He stepped in, closing the front door. He looked around, "Cozy." 

I took a deep breath, trying to calm the nerves. "My parents aren't home yet." He followed me to my room, looking at the family portraits on the way. 

I opened the door. "Wow. Your room is nice." He remarked. I shrugged, "Sorry if it's a mess. I didn't have much time to clean before you came." He grinned at me, "No worries. My room is 10 times messier. My parents constantly tell me I live like a cow." I laughed at that. 

He took out his notebook and textbook. 

For an hour, he asked me questions and I answered, explaining what he needed to know. "Okay... So, that would mean we would graph this here." Dream said, drawing. I nodded, "Exactly." I heard the front door open and a shout. "TOMMY! WILBUR! WE'RE HOME!" 

"That your parents?" Dream questioned. I nodded and opened the door. Dream followed me. "Hey Wil- Oh! I didn't realize you brought a guy over." Kristin said, a smirk on her face. Dream and I both turned red. "Mother! Dream and I were studying." 

Dream bowed, "Good afternoon. I'm sorry if I was intruding." Phil laughed and smiled, "No worries. I'm glad that Wilbur's bringing someone other than Sapnap into the house." I turned even redder, he just called me out!

I quickly grabbed Dream's hand before my parents could embarrass me further, "We'll be going to my room now." I pulled Dream back, my cheeks still pink. "Sorry about them. They're very enthusiastic about visitors in the house." Dream laughed, "I can see that. Don't sweat it."


Dream sighed and laid down on the floor. "God, I'm exhausted." I laughed, also tired. "You improved a lot though." I laid down next to him. He turned his head towards me and smiled, "You think so?" I blushed and nodded. "So. You going to show me the books you told me about?"

I forgot! "Oh yeah!" I leaned over him to grab my computer and then the door opened. I froze and saw Phil standing in the doorway. "Wil- Oop. Am I interrupting something?" We both turned red as we realized what it might seem to him. I quickly jumped up, "No, no. What do you need?" 

Phil gave me that look and said, "Could you come out with me for a second? I have a few things to talk to you about." I racked my brain to figure out what I did wrong. As if he could read my mind he said, "It's nothing bad. Just a few questions. That's all. Sorry Dream." 

Dream quickly stood up, "Oh no. It's okay. I was going to leave soon anyways." Phil shook his head, "That also reminds me. Kristin told me that dinner is almost ready. You should stay."

"It's really alright, I don't want to bother you more than I already have." Phil laughed, "I insist." Dream gave me a glance and I nodded. "In that case, I'd love to have dinner with you." Phil smiled. I followed him out and closed the door. 

"What's up with Tommy? He hasn't come out of his room." Shit! I forgot to tell them. "Oh. Tommy got bullied at school. He sprained his ankle." Phil gave me a hard look, "The fuck? You're supposed to look after him!" I looked at the ground, "I know, I know. I was waiting for him at our usual meetup spot and he didn't come so I looked for him. I found him beaten on the ground. He had minor injuries, other than his sprained ankle.

Phil scowled, "And who did this?" "This guy. I don't know his name." I lied. I don't want to tell him just yet. I can take care of it. "Will Tommy be able to go to school tomorrow?" I shook my head. Phil sighed, "I guess I can't do much. Just make sure you look after him okay? That's why I put you two in the same school." I nodded. 

"I'll go call his school. Oh and also, I think that boy is good. He's very polite." I turned red, "We're friends dad! Just friends, stop it." Phil sighed, "That's what they all say." 

I opened the door, "Sorry Dream." He smiled, "No worries." "KIDS! DINNER IS READY!" I heard my mother shout. "I guess I have to show you the books after." "You better not forget." Dream said, opening the door. We headed downstairs and I inwardly sighed, hoping my parents wouldn't say anything embarrassing. 


1534 words! I'm really feeding you guys with updates. Might update later this week again. 

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