Chapter 4

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Wilbur POV

I walked into class with a feeling of elation. Holy shit. That was the best lunch ever! I talked with Dream! I couldn't believe it. I sat down at my desk and tried to pay attention, but the only thing that was on my mind was my conversation with him. He likes my books! 

"WILBUR!" Startled I looked up to see an angry teacher. "I have called your name two times now! Answer the question!" I panicked, what was the question? I opened and closed my mouth. "Uh, I..." Professor Puffy sighed, "It's okay Wilbur. Just make sure you're paying attention next time, okay?" I nodded. This is why we all love Puffy. She's so nice. 

I tried to clear my mind of all my thoughts and listen to the class, but I couldn't. Sighing, I put my head on the desk. This is going to be a long day.


Ring! "Class dismissed! Don't forget to do the homework! Due next class." Everyone started talking to their friends while packing their bags. No one I knew was in this class with me so I quickly headed out, eager to find Sapnap. I turned around a corner and, 


I screamed and jumped back. My face quickly went from terror to annoyance. "Tommy! What are you doing here?" He was rolling on the floor, laughing. 

"You should've seen your face!" He picked himself up from the floor, still laughing. I scowled, he does this every single day, and yet I still fall for it every single time. 

"Anyways. Nice scaring you. I gotta go find Ranboo and Tubs now." He quickly ran off and I rolled my eyes with a huff of annoyance. "Kids. They scare the living shit out of me." I grumbled. Annoyed, but also amused, I headed to my last class of the day. 

I saw Sapnap sitting beside Dream and debated on whether I should go sit down next to them. Nah. It'll be way too awkward. I headed over to another empty seat, "Wil!" I looked over my shoulder to see Sapnap waving at me. Dream patted the seat next to him, inviting me over. Fuck. I can't not sit down there now! I awkwardly changed my direction and sat down next to Dream, trying to calm my beating heart. 

Dream POV

"It was definitely fair and square." I said. Sapnap shook his head, "Nuh uh. You cheated for sure. There's no way I lost to the likes of you." I sighed. 

"Look. There's no way I could've cheated. I won. Suck it up. Boohoo cracker." Sapnap laughed and I laughed too. "Oh! Look who's coming in." I looked up and saw Wilbur, my crush, walking in. Sapnap gave me a nudge on the arm, "Go talk to him!" 

I turned pink and hissed, "No!" Wilbur looked at us but headed his way to another empty seat. "See! He doesn't want to sit with us." I whispered. Sapnap didn't listen to me and shouted Wilbur's name. He looked at us and I awkwardly patted the seat next to me, wondering if he would sit with us. I mean, not that I want him too. I'm just being friendly. Yeah.

He came over and put his books down. "So. How'd your last class go?" I asked, hoping that we could start a conversation. He sighed, "It was the most boring shit you'll ever see." Sapnap laughed, "Not sure about that. I think my last class is the most boring thing in the world." 

Wilbur raised an eyebrow, grinning at him. Suddenly, I could see a gleam of mischief in his eyes. Before we could say anything more, Professor Skeppy walked in. The class immediately went quiet and faced the front. 

Normally, I'm able to pay attention to this class. It's my favorite class ever. But that's hard when you have your crush sitting next to you and your best friend, nudging you and sending you knowing smirks. To my relief, Wilbur didn't seem to notice and was paying his full attention to the front. 

"Sapnap! Will you stop it." I hissed as he nudged me for the millionth time. "Hmmm, no." I scowled but couldn't say anything more because Wilbur whispered to us, "Are you guys alright?" I immediately turned red and nodded, "Yup. Nothing's wrong here." He gave me a confused look but continued to take notes on the lesson. I mentally face palmed myself. That was so awkward! I mentally groaned but cleared my head and focused on the rest of the lesson. 


We walked out of class as the final school bell finally rung. Wilbur turned to face me, "I guess I'll see you later. Have fun at detention." I nodded. "Bye!" Sapnap and Wilbur waved to me as I ran to the detention room. Sighing, I opened the door and took my seat next to Quackity. 

Sapnap POV

As soon as I waved to Dream I quickly turned to Wilbur. "Hold up. You're meeting up with him later?" He nodded, blushing, "He's coming over to my house so I can help him with his studies." 

Oh my goodness. Finally some progress! I gave him a hurt look, "You didn't tell me about this?" He shamefully shook his head, "Look! I didn't get the chance to. I promise I was going to tell you." I sighed and shook my head dramatically. 

"I can't believe you would betray me like this." He giggled, "You sound like George." I quickly stood up, "Oh yeah. You have to tell me everything about your lunch date with Dream." 

He blushed and rolled his eyes, "It wasn't a date! We were just getting McDonalds. Plus, George was also there." I sighed, "Yeah yeah yeah. Sounds like a date to me." 

"Speaking of lunch. You have to tell me everything about your lunch with Karl and Quackity." I was the one blushing now. "Nothing happened. We just talked." I lied. Wilbur smirked at me and shoved me playfully, "Uh huh, I'm not believing it. You're lying." 

I sighed, "Well, we kissed. But it's not really a big deal you know? Homies kiss all the time." Wilbur gasped, "Not a big deal? Of course that's a big deal! You cannot tell me you don't like them anymore. Nuh uh. I ain't taking this bullshit no more." 

Wilbur grabbed me and dragged me outside of the building. "Wil! Let go!" He didn't listen to me, he pushed me over to where Quackity and Karl were talking. "Quackity and Karl, Sapnap likes you. Sapnap, Quackity and Karl like you. Done." Wilbur then walked away with a massive grin on his face. 


1104 words. Thanks for 100 reads :D

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